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The Soul Reaver 2 Dark Chronicle

The Dark Chronicle, also known as the Dark Diary, is a plot summary available in Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, Soul Reaver 2 and Legacy of Kain: Defiance which recaps the major scenes of each game through transcript or cutscene.



The Dark Chronicle was a summary of the important plot of each entry in the series, appearing in Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, Soul Reaver 2 and Legacy of Kain: Defiance.

The feature first appeared in Blood Omen as the "Dark Diary" which could be selected from the main menu or the in game pause menu. The Dark Diary divided the plot into sixteen of the most significant cutscenes of the game. Once the feature was selected, a slideshow of still images of the currently completed chapters would be displayed - each one representing a cutscene which would play upon selection of the appropriate image.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen manual (Windows)][Blood Omen strategy guide]

No plot summary feature was available in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver[Soul Reaver], however Soul Reaver 2, would return to the feature, now titled as the "Dark Chronicle". This divided the Soul Reaver 2 story into twenty-one chapters summarizing the plot of the game. The Dark Chronicle was accessible either through the main menu, pause menu or the Bonus materials section and contains a list of unlocked chapters, each of which would display a transcript for each one. New chapters were unlocked through gameplay progress.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2 manual][Soul Reaver 2 strategy guide (Prima)]

The feature was absent from Blood Omen 2[Blood Omen 2] but returned again in Legacy of Kain: Defiance. This time, the plot was divided into forty-one of the significant chapters of the game. The Dark Chronicle could be selected from the main menu or the pause menu and listed these chapters with each providing a link to the appropriate cutscene. Again chapters would be unlocked through game progression and could be viewed at any time after the completion of that part of the game.[Defiance][Defiance manual]


Icon Blood OmenBlood Omen: Legacy of Kain[]

Dark Diary: The Failure of the Circle[]

In Nosgoth's early history several member of the Circle of Nine are planning the movements of the Sarafan in their gathering room when they are interrupted by the appearance of the vampire Vorador who proceeds to slaughter the group. The circle's protector Malek, arrives too late to save them and is defeated by Vorador.

Some centuries later in the history preceding Blood Omen, Balance Guardian Ariel is murdered by an unseen assassin. The Pillars of Nosgoth begin to crack and corrode as a result.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen/1]

File:(1)Legacy of Kain Blood Omen intro

The Failure of the Circle

[Lit in the unholy glow of a distant sunset and burning pyres, a man (a vampire) is being hoisted into the air, impaled on a high wooden stake by two armored warriors. As we pull away, we see other vampire corpses impaled, littering the countryside as armored warriors walk amongst them.
The camera continues to zoom out.
We see the above scene contained within a pool of water, nested in the middle of a large, circular table with Celtic-style knots and arcane symbols carved into it. Around the table are a cluster of wizards/magi, both male and female, young and old. The room is dimly lit, but we can make out what they are wearing. They appear to be watching the events in the magic pool quite intently.
The camera continues to zoom out.
Suddenly a door swings open, flooding the room with blinding light. Pan out, we see Vorador.
A jagged sword rips through one of the wizards, with an assorted flesh ripping foley, and the gutted corpse is thrown sideways.]
Wizard: (amidst bloodcurdling screams)
[Vorador appears from behind the falling/thrown corpse, wielding the bloodstained jagged sword. He throws a variety of spells at the nearby wizards.
One is killed by an Energy Bolt.]
Wizard: Malek!
[Vorador throws a Flay spell at the wizard, and we see her flesh blasted from her bloody bones.]
Wizard: (screams)
[Vorador laughs darkly as he corners the last remaining wizard in the chamber. The wizard tries to cast a spell, but is panicking.]
Final Wizard: (whimpering)
[We see, and hear the sound of, an approaching man in armor, rushing along stone tiled floors.]
Vorador: (laughing)
Call your dogs!
They can feast on your corpses!
[The wizard is hit by a Blood Gout spell – the projectile hits the victim, forcing a stream of blood to be jettisoned from the body, and it gets "sucked" into Vorador's open mouth. He then dodges sideways.
Cut to Malek rushing in through the doorway, ax drawn, to behold a silent chamber that is vacant except for the carnage. Vorador materializes behind him, and strikes a blow to the back of his head.
Cut to a dark chamber, lit only by candle flame. Arcane runes and symbols of power are drawn onto the floor. Bound in the center of the chamber a man is stripped naked; scars adorn his body. On the ground before him is an empty suit of armor, propped up on a stand, giving it the impression that it has some form inside it.]
Mortanius: For failing the Circle, Malek of the Sarafan, you are hereby damned.
[Effects of Malek's spirit being fused into his armor.]
Mortanius: The pleasures of the flesh are no longer yours. You have but one purpose, damned one; you will serve us for eternity.
[Fade to black.
A shadow is cast against a wall, moving slowly, but with purpose. We see Ariel by the wall; she turns and sees a distinctive, but unknown, shape silhouetted against a light, raising a cruel knife. Ariel's scream penetrates the darkness.
Cut to black.
A pillar is seen darkening. Fractures crawl across its surface.]

Dark Diary: Kain in the Abyss[]

In the events of Blood Omen, the nobleman Kain awakens from his death in underworld still impaled upon the sword of his assassin and chained above a fiery pit. The Death Guardian Mortanius appears, removes the sword and releases him, symbolically offering Kain the sword as a token of revenge. Kain takes the sword - accepting the offer - and is transformed into a vampire.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen/1]

File:(2)Legacy of Kain Blood Omen Intro Pt. 2

Kain in the Abyss

[Fade from black.
The Underworld – populated by lost souls that howl within the abyss. Their shapes twist and writhe in their fiery oblivion. Through this ghostly burning land, the Necromancer Mortanius strides as its master.
Kain is strung up between two posts, transfixed with a sword. He struggles incessantly, as if trying to deny his fate.]
Kain (V. O.): Vae victis – suffering to the conquered. Ironic that now I was the one suffering. Not anything as pedestrian as physical pain. Rather the cruel jab of impotent anger – the hunger for revenge.
I didn't care if I was in Heaven or Hell – all I wanted was to kill my assassins.
[Mortanius grasps the sword and twists it painfully free – Kain winces.
Kain's bonds are released and he steps free.
He looks toward the abyss before him, staring contemplatively into the yawning fire, then turns towards Mortanius.]
Kain (V. O.): Sometimes you get what you wish for.
The Necromancer Mortanius offered me a chance for vengeance. And like a fool, I jumped at his offer without considering the cost.
Nothing is free.
[Mortanius offers the transfixion sword to Kain.
Kain steps forward and grasps the sword.]
Kain (V. O.): (tiredly, with pain)
Not even revenge.
[Coruscating magic ripples across Kain's body, transforming his white armor to black, living skin to dead vampiric flesh.
Kain's eyes open.]
Mortanius: (laughing)
You will have the blood you hunger for...
[Kain walks through the fire.
Fire wipe to black.]

Dark Diary: Ghost of the Pillars[]

Kain arrives at the Pillars of Nosgoth and meets the specter of the former Balance Guardian, Ariel. Ariel explains the how her death at the hands of a traitor drove her lover - Mind Guardian Nupraptor - insane and caused the Corruption of the Pillars. Cryptically offering Kain "peace" from his curse she sends him on a quest to restore the pillars.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen/2]

File:(3)Legacy of Kain Blood Omen Movie 3

Ghost of the Pillars

[The Pillars at night; wind blows eerily between the solemn sentinels of marble and other indescribable materials. Moonlight plays of the surfaces, lending the scene an eerie blue cast. The figure of a comely woman appears amidst the Pillars, talking to herself it seems.
Establishing shot from Kain's point of view.
Long shot of Ariel disappearing behind a Pillar.
The camera follows her around the Pillar while she talks.]
Ariel: Nupraptor, your madness has shattered our dreams and blinded you...
Kain: Keep your distance or I'll send you back to Hell, spirit!
Ariel: There is nothing left of me to fear vampire. I am only a shadow of my former self... Ariel – the Balance of the Circle of Nine. Even so, I can provide the answers you seek.
Kain: I seek only a cure.
Ariel: There is no cure for death. Only release. You must destroy the sorcery that is now poisoning Nosgoth.
Only then will you realize peace.
The Nine of the Protectors of Hope were sworn to use their powers to preserve our world. Now these pillars have been corrupted by a traitor.
[Ariel turns toward the camera to reveal her ravaged face. Flesh has been ripped away to reveal the naked bone beneath.]
Ariel: My murder at the hands of this beast drove my love Nupraptor mad.
Now he spreads misery and pain among the Circle, crumbling the very foundation of Nosgoth. You must restore balance. You must right the Pillars of Nosgoth.
[A "hallucination" of Nupraptor sewing his eyes shut floats, semi-transparent in the moonlit air.]
Kain: (with distaste)
I care not for the fate of this world.
Ariel: (fading out)
Then for yourself Kain...
Beware the Unspoken...
[Ariel fades to total transparency as her voice fades.]

Dark Diary: The Oracle[]

Having failed to defeat Malek, Kain meets with the mysterious Oracle within the Oracle's Cave to find how to defeat him. The Oracle initially gives Kain only riddles regarding King Ottmar of Willendorf before he relents and tells Kain of Vorador's victory over Malek and its consequences several centuries earlier. The Oracle directs Kain to the Termogent Forest, where Vorador's Mansion awaits and tells him to follow the Ignis Fatuus to find it.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen/5]

File:(4)LoK Blood Omen Video 4

The Oracle

[Kain enters a large cavern through a winding tunnel. Inside the cavern a small old man stands by a roaring fire, cooking something in a huge pot. He looks up as Kain enters.]
Oracle: A nobleman? Seeking wisdom? Death has taught you well.
Kain: Enough philosophy – I seek answers.
Oracle: Answers indeed. I have them all if you have the questions.
And what are the questions for these answers?
[The oracle throws something into the fire. The smoke reveals a great army marching across the land.]
Oracle: King Ottmar – the only hope to defeat the Legions of the Nemesis.
King Ottmar paralyzed by his princess' malaise.
King Ottmar the useless.
Pray good sir, what are the questions?
Kain: (with anger)
A pox upon your tricks and babble, old man! Answer me this: Who is Malek and how can I defeat him?
Oracle: (cryptically)
All in time sirrah. Yes, time. Unless you master it – it will master you.
And now it's time for your answer:
[The oracle throws flame powder into the fire.
Display of images.]
Oracle: Malek – defender of the Nine and last of the Sarafan sorcerer-priests. His vanity led to the slaughter of the Circle at the hands of the vampire Vorador. For his failing, his spirit was fused to a hellish set of magical armor. He has allowed no member of the Circle to fall since.
Kain: What of this Vorador?
Oracle: Follow the glow of the Ignis Fatuus to the Termogent Forest.
Kain: Ignis Fatuus?
Oracle: The Ignis Fatuus lights the path to Hell, nobleman. Your path.
Time Kain. Next time...
[The oracle disappears.]

Dark Diary: The Vampire Vorador[]

Kain meets the vampire Vorador in his mansion who offers Kain a different perspective - his vampirism is not a curse but a gift and they were 'dark gods' to the mortals. Vorador recounts his Slaughter of the Circle and his defeat of Malek, warning Kain not to meddle in human affairs. Finally Vorador offers Kain a ring to summon him when needed.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen/6]

File:(5)LoK Blood Omen - Vorador Encounter

The Vampire Vorador

[Interior. Vorador's lair. The room is dimly lit by candles.
The camera peers across the length of a long, polished dining table, with the vampire Vorador at the other end, highlighted by candle flame. Vorador is holding two finely crafted goblets.]
Kain (V. O.): In the bowels of that black forest I found something worse than Hell. A vision of what I was becoming...
Vorador: It's not often I see one of our own, especially one as young and foolish as yourself. Nonetheless, drink. Drink deep and indulge your gift.
[Kain reluctantly accepts the goblet. Camera pans across the room. We see subtle evidence as to where the blood came from; a dripping human corpse is suspended upside down above a basin on the table.]
Kain (V. O.): Gift? Pah! Vorador thought my curse a blessing. That we were gods and that mortals offered their blood as sacrifice so that we could enjoy our supernatural powers. And somewhere deep inside my new self I knew he was right. That mortal dreams were prayers. Prayers to us – begging for our power.
I pondered this as the decadent old fool prattled on about his past; a boorish account of how he defeated Malek of the Sarafan and took his vengeance upon the Circle of Nine for supporting the Sarafan's holy war to exterminate us...
Vorador: After slaughtering six of the sheep I defeated their pathetic little shepherd – Malek. Since then our kind has not bothered with the cattle, except to feed. And I suggest you do the same.
Meddling with the affairs of man can do us no good. Sarafan witchhunts are much too tedious to concern ourselves with. Am I understood Kain?
[Kain acknowledges only very slightly.]
Vorador: Good. Take this ring. If you ever need assistance it will summon me. Despite your youthful arrogance, you amuse me, Kain – it would be such a pity to lose you to the Abyss.
Now be gone!
[Vorador turns his back on Kain.]

Dark Diary: The Great Duel[]

Kain confronts Pillar Guardians Bane, DeJoule and Anarcrothe at Dark Eden, but Anarcrothe summons Malek and flees. In retaliation, Kain summons Vorador and the two old adversaries resume the battle from centuries before. Kain gives chase to the escaping Band and Dejoule, while Vordaor finishes Malek.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen/7]

File:(6)LoK Blood Omen - Dark Eden

The Great Duel

[Interior Dark Eden Castle main hall, Malek and Vorador fight as Kain, Bane and DeJoule (cloaked) watch.]
Malek: Vengeance! Vengeance for my eternity of suffering!
Vorador: Whelp! As if you knew what eternity was! Grovel before your true master.
Malek: (coldly)
Never! I'll hack you from crotch to gizzard and feed what's left to your brides...
[Kain gives pursuit to the fleeing sorcerers. A fierce battle ensues between Malek and Vorador.]

Dark Diary: The Court of the Last Hope[]

Kain travels to Willendorf Castle, seeking to enlist the help of Ottmar and his Army of the Last Hope in defeating the Legions of the Nemesis that threaten Nosgoth. He finds Ottmar deep in mourning for his daughter whose soul has been stolen by Elzevir the Dollmaker. Kain decides to hunt for the dollmaker to win favor with Ottmar.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen/9]

File:(7)LoK Blood Omen - Kain meets King Ottmar

The Court of the Last Hope

[A hall resplendent with the colors of Nosgoth heraldry, lined by the heavily-armored elite knights of the king's personal guard.]
Kain (V. O.): The court of King Ottmar; shades of my former existence. Proud and self-absorbed, surrounded by all the finery of the realm. Secure in their ignorance. As I walked among them I smirked thinking of the carnage that would befall them at the hands of the Legions of the Nemesis... the glorious flames, the inevitable rape and pillage.
[A courtier stops Kain by raising his hand.]
Kain: (forcefully)
Out of my way peasant! The stench of the fields hangs over you like a pall!
Courtier: The King sees no one! He is in mourning for the princess!
Kain: (coldly)
He'll be in mourning for his kingdom soon. And he'll mourn for you even sooner if you don't get out of my way!
[Kain pushes past the courtier.]
Kain (V. O.): And so I won my audience, such as it was, with Ottmar. He cared not of the invading armies from the North. Only of the plight of his child.
Ottmar: (grumpily)
A birthday present. To celebrate her birthday I declared a contest. Whoever created the finest doll in the realm would be granted a royal favor. Hundreds of dolls were brought, but the winner was obvious. Elzevir, the Dollmaker, created a toy of such beauty that all were captivated by it. And all he would take in payment was a lock of her hair.
Soon after she became like this; a lifeless puppet. Whoever restores her to her former self shall have this kingdom!
[Kain smirks and stalks off.]
Kain (V. O.): Thus my hunt for the Dollmaker began.

Dark Diary: The Last Stand[]

Having restored the Princess of Willendorf, Kain, Ottmar and his Army of the Last Hope stand ready to meet the advancing Legions of the Nemesis at the Battle of the Last Stand. Ottmar gives a rousing speech to his troops as they prepare to defend Nosgoth from the advancing horde.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen/9]

File:(8)LoK Blood Omen - Ottmar Battles Nemesis

The Last Stand

[The battlefield is choked with roiling fog. Horns sound. We zoom through mist past brief views of the approaching troops toward a hill. Ottmar, elevated, gives his orders to his troops.]
Ottmar: (in commanding, rousing speech mode)
The scourge of Nosgoth is upon us, friends! We shall die today as heroes, lest we live tomorrow as slaves!
(tension building)
Ready thine arms!
(shouting battlecry)
[Ottmar waves his baton and the armies charge forth.]

Dark Diary: Nuremburg[]

Having been sent back to the history preceding Blood Omen, Kain reads the mind of a man-at-arms and witnesses a speech made by Time Guardian Moebius attempting to stir the hatred of the citizens of the Land of the Nemesis. Kain discovers the involvement of Moebius in the ascension of King William the Just - who would one day lead the Legions of the Nemesis.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen/10]

File:(9)LoK Blood Omen - Moebius Rallies a Crowd


[Kain battles a man-at-arms, and reads his mind as he lays dying.
Moebius commands a crowd of peasants with a mind-influencing speech. The scene is reminiscent of the Nuremberg Rallies with towering banners and finery of the Nosgoth of 50 years ago. Moebius stands at the top of a flight of stairs lined with armored troops and burning braziers.]
Moebius: Would you stand idle as vermin destroyed your crops?
Crowd: (shouting)
Moebius: As your house burned?
Crowd: No! No!
Moebius: Will you allow this evil to continue?
Crowd: No! No!
Moebius: Will the wickedness end?
Crowd: It must!
Moebius: Do you believe?
Crowd: Yes! Yes! Yes!
[Shot of Moebius gesticulating madly; seen through the fire of a nearby brazier, he appears to stand amidst the flames themselves, seemingly as a creature of Hell, himself.
Moebius is lit by the flickering flames, heightening the evilness of his character.]
Moebius: Then take me to your king, so that I can prepare you for the onslaught!

Dark Diary: A Vampire's End[]

Having killed William the Just with the Soul Reaver to prevent the rise of the Legions of the Nemesis and returned to the events of Blood Omen, Kain discovers that the whole affair has been a trap orchestrated by Moebius who has used the grief of the citizens of Nosgoth to build a mercenary army to hunt down and destroy the Vampires. Kain witnesses the execution of Vorador before Moebius identifies him as the last vampire and sets the crowd upon him.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen/11]

File:(10)LoK Blood Omen - Vorador's Execution

A Vampire's End

[Exterior – on a bright grassy knoll, a crowd has gathered to witness the death of the last of vampire kind. The proceedings take place on a raised scaffold, so all eyes can witness this momentous event. Vorador looks up from the guillotine once.
Cheer from the crowd as Vorador's head is lopped off, and held high by the executioner.]
Leader: We are free of this unholy scourge!
Moebius: Not yet, my friend.
Would you be free of a plague if only one city was cleansed?
Crowd: (cheering)
No! No!
Moebius: Would you spare one wolf in the pack that has devastated your herd?
Crowd: (shouting)
Moebius: Then let us destroy them all!
Crowd: (in furor)
Moebius: He is the last!
[Moebius points at Kain.]
Moebius: Destroy him!

Dark Diary: The Last of the Few[]

Having recognised Moebius as 'the Oracle' and fought off the crowd, Kains defeats Moebius and confronts the dying Time Guardian, making him admit to going back in time and admit to altering the past to turn William the Just into 'the Nemesis'. Moebius promises Kain's death and Kain responds by beheading him.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen/11]

File:(11)LoK Blood Omen - Moebius Dies

The Last of the Few

[Kain defeats Moebius in combat:]
Kain: Ironic. By going back in time, and altering the past, you turned William the Just into the Nemesis.
[Moebius lies on the ground, cowering.]
Moebius: (croaking and wincing, filled with hate and madness)
Aye – you have seen my plan, vampire, as I have seen your destiny. The future says you die!
Kain: But I am dead...
[Kain beheads Moebius.]
Kain: As are you!

Dark Diary: Full Circle[]

Summoned by Mortanius, Kain returns to the Pillars of Nosgoth to witness a confrontation between the Death Guardian and States Guardian Anarcrothe. Kain observes silently from behind the pillars as the two debate their roles and duties. Anacrothe issues and ultimatum the Mortanius must "stand with us or die" and a battle ensues with Mortanius easily victorious. Kain emerges at the end of the battle and Mortanius welcomes his oncoming fate, advising Kain that one more will need to be killed after and beckoning Kain to finish him.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen/11]

File:(12)LoK Blood Omen - Mortanius at the Pillars

Full Circle

[Anarcrothe and Mortanius talk at the site of the Pillars of Nosgoth. As Kain returns to the Pillars, he discovers Mortanius and Anarcrothe arguing. It is night and the moon illuminates the scene.
As Anarcrothe and Mortanius continue their conversation, Kain hides behind a Pillar to listen.]
Anarcrothe: You betrayed us Mortanius!
You had Kain killed and turned him into a monster. You set him upon us!
Mortanius: It had to be. Nupraptor's insanity poisoned all of our minds. The Circle had failed in its sworn duties. It had to be destroyed.
Anarcrothe: (madly, frantically and somewhat confused)
Failed our duties? Idiot! The Circle exists for us, we don't exist for it! Our powers will save or damn Nosgoth at our whim! Stand with us, Mortanius, or die!
Mortanius: Then I shall die!
[A magical battle ensues, with Mortanius the victor.
Anarcrothe lies on the ground with a broken spine, dying, gurgling his death rattle.
Enter Kain.]
Kain: If the Circle is to be destroyed, you have to die as well, Necromancer. I admire your cunning, but you will not escape your fate.
Mortanius: Nay, I will embrace it. But my death will leave one more to take, princeling. Finish me!
[Kain and Mortanius battle.]

Dark Diary: The Pillar of Death[]

Having killed the final guardian, Mortanius, Kain is now confronted by the Dark Entity who had possessed Mortanius and used his body to murder Ariel. The Dark Entity promises that the fall of the pillars is only the "first act" of his plans. Enraged, Kain battles the Dark Entity. [Blood Omen][Blood Omen/11]

File:(13)LoK Blood Omen - Unspoken Emerges

The Pillar of Death

[There is a cracking sound, as the Dark Entity crushes Mortanius' mind and psyche.
His form is slowly twisted.]
The Unspoken: (in what's left of Mortanius' body; evil laughter)
You thought yourself a king when in fact you were a pawn! You have served me well, Kain.
(more laughter)
Kain: (shouting/growling defiantly)
I serve no one!
The Unspoken: (with sarcasm and malignancy)
Indeed. Such narrow vision. Don't you see? My silencing of Ariel, and its calculated repercussions, is but the first act in my theater of Grand Guignol. Of which you are the tragic "hero".
Play on, little vampire, play on...
[Angered, Kain screams as he attacks.]
Kain: Vae Victis!

Dark Diary: Damned if you do[]

Having defeated the Dark Entity, Kain stands alone and Ariel appears, all of the pillars save for the Pillar of Balance have been restored and Kain finally realizes that he is the Balance Guardian, born to replace Ariel and corrupted from birth - only with his death can the Pillars of Nosgoth be restored. Ariel offers Kain the final choice - to heal or damn the world.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen/12]

File:(14)LoK Blood Omen - Kain's Decision

Damned if you do

[Kain defeats the Dark Entity, and stands at the juncture of the Pillars, about to choose his fate. Ariel appears. Nosgoth has almost been restored to its former glory. Only the Pillar of Balance remains corrupted.]
Kain (V. O.): I am the last Pillar. The only survivor of the Circle of Nine.
At my whim the world will be healed or damned.
At my whim.

Dark Diary: Kain Kong[]

Canon Ending: Kain chooses to self preservation and damns the pillars and Nosgoth itself. Sitting in the debris after the Collapse of the Pillars, Kain reflects that Vorador was correct - they are dark gods who must "thin the herd" [Blood Omen][Blood Omen/12]

File:(15b)LoK Blood Omen - Ending (True)

Kain Kong

[If Kain chooses to damn the world:
Kain sits upon a throne of bones, sloppily drinking blood from a goblet.]
Kain (V. O.): Once I embraced my powers I realized that Vorador was correct. We are Gods – dark gods – and it is our duty to thin the herd.
(dark laughter)

Dark Diary: Happy Happy Joy Joy[]

Non-Canon Ending: Kain chooses self sacrifice and Nosgoth is restored. Ariel reflects on Kain's contributions.[Blood Omen][Blood Omen/12]

File:(15a)LoK Blood Omen - Ending (Good)

Happy Happy Joy Joy

[If Kain chooses to heal the world:
Bright sunlit fields and trees, with overcast, turbulent somber sky.]
Ariel: In his life he was unknown. A petty noble.
In death he was unknown.
Yet by choosing oblivion he restored Balance to the land.
Shades cast no shadows.

Icon Soul Reaver 2Soul Reaver 2[]


Having defeated his borthers (except Turel) Raziel confronts Kain in the Chronoplast beneath the Oracle's Cave. They debate Kain's beliefs on Fate and Free will and the morality of Kain's resurrection of Sarafan saints to serve him in his empire. After a brief scuffle, Kain escapes through a time portal and Raziel follows, being met by Moebius on the other side.[Soul Reaver][Soul Reaver/15][Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/Prologue]

File:Soul Reaver 2 Opening Cutscene


[Raziel enters the Chronoplast chamber, and surveys its tiered walkways and arcane dials, noting both the mysterious device suspended from the domed ceiling, and the undulating portal on the far side of the chamber. None of this interests him. He is looking for Kain.
Raziel hears a voice, and Kain reveals himself as he steps out from the shadows of the upper tier.]
Raziel: At last.
I must say I'm disappointed in your progress. I imagined you would be here sooner.
Tell me – did it trouble you to murder your brothers?
[Raziel slowly descends the stairway, keeping his eyes locked on Kain.]
Raziel: Did it trouble you when you ordered me into the Abyss?
[Kain's only response is ironic laughter. He steps back toward one of the arcane dials and prepares to turn it.]
Kain: Eternity is relentless, Raziel.
When I first stole into this chamber, centuries ago, I did not fathom the true power of knowledge.
[Kain throws the switch, and the Chronoplast device responds.]
Kain: To know the future, Raziel – to see its paths and streams tracing out into the infinite...
As a man, I could never have contained such forbidden truths.
But each of us is so much more than we once were.
Do you not feel with all your soul how we have become like gods?
And as such, are we not indivisible? As long as a single one of us stands, we are legion...
[Kain descends the main staircase, and moves toward the second-tier dials.]
Kain: Our futures are predestined –
Moebius foretold mine aeons ago. We each play out the parts fate has written for us.
Free will is an illusion.
[Kain punctuates his statement by throwing the second switch. Raziel glares up at him from the floor of the chamber.]
Raziel: I found the Tomb of Sarafan, Kain.
How could you profane a priest by turning him into a vampire?
[Furious, Raziel launches himself at Kain – who easily stops Raziel in mid-air with one hand, and holds him by the throat, at arm's length.]
Kain: How could I not?
One must keep his friends close, Raziel – and his enemies even closer.
[Kain effortlessly hurls Raziel to the lower floor of the chamber, and then drops down himself, approaching Raziel's sprawled figure.]
Kain: Who better to serve me than those whose passion transcends all notions of good and evil?
[Raziel rises slowly, enraged and humiliated, and wheels on Kain.]
Raziel: The Sarafan were saviors, defending Nosgoth from the corruption that we represent.
My eyes are opened, Kain – I find no nobility in the unlife you rudely forced on my unwilling corpse!
[Raziel lunges at Kain. Kain evades the blow, but Raziel attacks again and pins Kain against the wall, his forearm to his throat.
Kain is unfazed by Raziel's attack – he is composed, even slightly amused. He allows Raziel to pin him there momentarily, and continues to taunt him, their faces inches apart.]
Kain: You may have uncovered your past, but you know nothing of it. You think the Sarafan were noble, altruistic?
[Kain breaks Raziel's grip and propels him away with a blast of telekinetic energy. Raziel flies backward and slams into a buttress with bone-shattering force.
Kain laughs and moves toward the final dial.]
Kain: Don't be simple.
Their agenda was the same as ours.
[Kain throws the final switch. The arms of the Chronoplast device descend, and the portal flares into life.]
Kain: (mockingly)
You nearly had me, Raziel...
[Kain vanishes in a flash of light, and reappears on the upper tier, in front of the portal.]
Kain: But this is not where – or how – it ends. Fate promises more twists before this drama unfolds completely.
[Kain turns and strides deliberately through the portal. Raziel gets to his feet and races up the stairway. He pauses briefly, then leaps through the portal to pursue Kain.
Raziel finds himself floating in darkness, and hears an unfamiliar voice calling to him out of the ether. As Raziel drifts to the floor and the chamber coalesces, Moebius the Time Streamer steps out of the mist to greet him.]
Moebius: Raziel...
Redeemer and destroyer.
Pawn and messiah.
Welcome, time-spanned soul.
Welcome... to your destiny.

Dark Chronicle: Arrival[]

Raziel arrives in the history preceding Blood Omen in a Time-streaming chamber within the Sarafan Stronghold and is met by Time Guardian Moebius. Well aware of Moebius's reputation for deceit, Raziel brandishes the Wraith Blade and finds it is disabled by Moebius's Staff. Moebius meanwhile reveals that they were familiar when Raziel was one of the Sarafan, during his human life. In the nearby Circle's gathering-room Moebius explains Vorador's Slaughter of the Circle and speaks of the crusade his mercenary army leads against the vampires of Nosgoth. Moebius finally reveals that Kain awaits him at the Pillars and encourages Raziel to seek his revenge.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/1]



File:Soul Reaver 2 - Intro Part 2



Dark Chronicle: The Reaver Convergence[]

In the Sanctuary of the Sarafan Stronghold, Raziel comes upon the tomb of King William the Just, whom a younger Kain traveled back in time to assassinate during his quest to destroy the Circle of Nine. On the sarcophagus, Raziel finds the Soul Reaver blade, broken in the battle between William and Kain, and senses an indescribable sense of distortion. As he examines the Reaver, its future self – the Wraith Blade – suddenly begins to leech away Raziel's soul energy to restore the corporeal sword. Raziel catches watching on without his staff and threatens him with the conjoined blades. Desperate, Moebius lets slip that he, like Raziel, is an agent of the Elder God – this revelation is enough to stay Raziel's hand, and he departs in disgust, leaving the physical Reaver behind.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/1]

File:Soul Reaver 2 - Raziel finds Sir William

The Reaver Convergence


Dark Chronicle: The Heart of Darkness[]

In another chapel in the Sanctuary, Raziel finds a mural of the infamous vampire, Janos Audron – whose heart was ripped from his body by the Sarafan, centuries ago. The so-called Heart of Darkness, it is reputed, can resurrect vampires.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/1]

File:Soul Reaver 2 - Exiting the Stronghold 05

The Heart of Darkness (+Sarafan Stronghold cutscenes)


Dark Chronicle: The Corruption of the Pillars[]

Raziel confronts Kain at the Pillars of Nosgoth, however instead of the expected battle, Kain begins to reveal a greater quest, picking apart Raziel's vengeful motivation by revealing that he had actively encouraged Raziel's outrage to draw him into following and countering by unexpectedly agreeing that the health and restoration of the Pillars were of paramount importance. Explaining the stories of his youth, Kain begins to persuade Raziel that his quest was fixed and there is a another option out of his dilemma at the pillars that is hidden in Raziel's presence. Most shockingly of all Kain hints that the Pillars actually belong to the vampire race, before teleporting away.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/2]

File:Soul Reaver 2 - Raziel finds the Pillars

The Corruption of the Pillars


Dark Chronicle: The Elder God[]

In the Subterranean Ruins Raziel found a chamber beneath the pillars where the pillars descended below ground level, which was undoubtedly constructed along with the Pillars. On the walls were several murals depicting an ancient war between two unknown species, the raising of the pillars by the blue winged race, an apparent curse causing blood-thirst inflicted on them and the forging of the Soul Reaver as a prophetic weapon. As Raziel studied the room he discovered the Elder God in the water beneath the pillars platform, wrapped around the Pillars. With the earlier revelation that Moebius was a servant of the Elder God, Raziel was far more suspicious of his former benefactor and much less polite.The Elder denounced the murals as "lies" and chastised Raziel for letting Kain "slip through [his] grasp". Parting on a distinctly sour note, The Elder encouraged Raziel to remember his rage and let it guide him.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/2]

File:Soul Reaver 2 - Raziel below the Pillars

The Elder God


Dark Chronicle: The Vampire Vorador[]

Outside the Dark Forge Raziel encounters Vorador. Curious about Raziel, Vorador quizzed him on his appearance and his actions in this era, perhaps hinting at prophetic roles associated with the corruption of the Pillars, but soon realized that Raziel was ignorant of any such destiny. Resigning himself, Vorador lamented how his unheeded advice had led to the creation of Vampire hunters which now had the vampires nearly eliminated. Deriding the the ancient murals as "fairy tales", Vorador revealed that the ancient race had dwindled until only one - Vorador's creator Janos Audron - remained, apparently awaiting the arrival of Raziel and the completion of the ancient prophecies, but he had been murdered by the Sarafan five centuries earlier and they had also stolen the Reaver. Reflecting that they were all "out of luck", Vorador teleported away.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/3]


Raziel's meeting with Vorador

File:Soul Reaver 2 Cutscene - Vorador 11

The Vampire Vorador


Dark Chronicle: The Elder's Warning[]

Returning to the Subterranean Pillars Chamber, Raziel once again encounters the Elder God and they debate the truth of the ancient winged race with the Elder God disapproving his choices and deriding the murals as lies. Raziel begins doubting the Elder and the Elder threatens Raziel[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/3]

File:Soul Reaver 2 Cutscene - The Elder God is Displeased 12

The Elder's Warning


Dark Chronicle: History and Destiny Collide[]

Raziel returns to the Sanctuary of the Sarafan Stronghold and encounters Kain in the chapel of William the Just. Here Kain explains the nature of the Time-stream in Nosgoth using his encounter with William to illustrate how the paradox of the presence of two Soul Reaver blades can alter history. Revealing that Raziel kills him here with the conjoined blades, Kain presents Raziel with the Reaver blade and encourages him to exert his Free will over the pull of history and the Wraith Blade. With much effort, Raziel succeeds in diverting the blade, igniting a paradox and creating a new timeline in which Kain survives.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/5]

File:Soul Reaver 2 - Raziel and Kain

History and Destiny Collide


Dark Chronicle: Time Streaming[]

Raziel returns to the Time-streaming chambers in the Sarafan Stronghold intending to return to Nosgoth's early history and meet Janos Audron. Apparently catching Moebius off guard with the timeline change, Raziel threatens him into sending him through the device, but Moebius has other ideas.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/5]

File:Soul Reaver 2 - Raziel and Moebius

Time Streaming


Dark Chronicle: Moebius's Martyred Spirit[]

After emerging from the Time-streaming chambers in the devastated Era following Blood Omen, Raziel encounters the apparent specter of Moebius. Moebius pleads with Raziel that the deceit was necessary to demonstrate the wasteland cause by Kain's decision at the pillars, but Raziel recognizes the flaws in Moebius's arguments and conjectures that he's actually worried about Kain's plans.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/5]

File:Soul Reaver 2 - Ghostly Moebius

Moebius's Martyred Spirit


Dark Chronicle: Ariel's Lament[]

Raziel meets the specter of Ariel at the collapsed Pillars of Nosgoth in the Era following Blood Omen, and finds her lamenting her fate. Ariel's wrath is directed at Kain for his refusal to sacrifice himself, keeping her imprisoned here. Raziel finds himself defending Kain's actions, pointing out that Kain's decision was rigged and would have brought down the pillars either way. After exhausting all lines of questioning Raziel left Ariel with a final promise that she was merely at the threshold of her purgatory.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/5]

File:Soul Reaver 2 - Raziel meets Ariel

Ariel's Lament


Dark Chronicle: Raziel Defies The Elder[]

Raziel again meets with the Elder God when passing through the Subterranean Pillars Chamber and discovers it bloated and grown large in this era with its tentacles wrapped around the shattered pillars themselves. The Elder chastises Raziel for his failure to kill Kain and condemned him for the fate of Nosgoth. Raziel meanwhile returned to his earlier distrust of the entity, suggesting that he was merely a hungry parasite and the two parted ways.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/5]

File:Soul Reaver 2 - Raziel meets future Elder God

Raziel Defies The Elder


Dark Chronicle: The Ruined Aerie[]

Raziel discovers the façade of the retreat of Janos Audron, but finds the structure has collapsed into ruin. As he surveys the scene, Kain appears and the two discuss Moebius's deception with Raziel openly admitting that he no longer believed that Kain's death would make any difference. Kain encouraged Raziel to make his way into the past to meet Janos but warned Raziel of the dark forces gathering against them and the possibility of pushing the Time-stream too far and creating a fatal paradox that would expel them from history.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/5]

File:Soul Reaver 2 - Raziel meets Kain in future

The Ruined Aerie


Dark Chronicle: The Tenth Guardian[]

After returning to Nosgoth's early history, Raziel returns to Janos Audron's Retreat and finally meets the ancient vampire Janos Audron. Janos recognises Raziel as a prophetic figure and explains some of the events and of vampire history to him, attempting to give him the Reaver the prophesied weapon of the vampire champion and the 'key' to the pillars 'lock', but Raziel is repulsed by the blade. At that moment the Sarafan inquisitors burst in and Janos teleported Raziel away to the nearby Fire forge to protect him.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/8]

File:Soul Reaver 2 - Raziel meets Janos Audron

The Tenth Guardian


Dark Chronicle: The Death of Janos Audron[]

Raziel returns to Janos Audron's chambers just in time to witness the Sarafan inquisitors extract the Heart of Darkness. Raziel is shocked to discover the group consists of his brothers and his former human self and he has just watched his former self murder Janos. The Sarafan retreat, taking the Reaver with them and Raziel vows to avenge Janos's death, recover the blade and recover the heart to restore Janos.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/9]

File:Soul Reaver 2 - Janos is Slain

The Death of Janos Audron


Dark Chronicle: The Final Transgression[]

Raziel returns to the Elder God in the Subterranean Pillars Chamber for the final time. Here the Elder simply greets him with "ominous finality", while Raziel expresses his doubt that the Elder had anything to do with his revival as a wraith before the two parted ways.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/9]

File:Soul Reaver 2 - Raziel returns to Elder God

The Final Transgression


Dark Chronicle: Cornered in the Stronghold[]

Fighting his way through the Sarafan Stronghold, Raziel finds the Reaver in a side-chamber. Moebius and Malek appear to confront Raziel, with Moebius's Staff disabling the Wraith Blade and leaving the Reaver as his only choice of weapon. As the sounds of Vorador's Slaughter of the Circle can he heard, Malek is persuaded by Moebius that Raziel is the greater threat. As Raziel picks up the Reaver Moebius and Malek retreat and lock the door.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/9]

File:Soul Reaver 2 - Raziel finds the Reaver

Cornered in the Stronghold


Dark Chronicle: Vengeance[]

Raziel continues through the Sarafan Stronghold and is confronted by the elite Sarafan inquisitors - his former brothers in life and unlife. Made virtually invincible by his possesion of the Reaver blade, Raziel kills them all in turn, thus providing the corpses for Kain to raise as his 'sons' centuries later. Raziel takes particular pleasure in the death of Turel who will avoid his vengeance in the future.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/9]

File:Soul Reaver 2 Cutscene - Fallen Brothers 31



Dark Chronicle: Renunciation[]

As he seeks out the Heart of Darkness Raziel makes his way to the Chapter House of the Sarafan Stronghold where he faces his sternest test - a confrontation with the Sarafan inquisitor Raziel - his former human self.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/Epilogue]

File:Soul Reaver 2 Cutscene - History Abhors a Paradox 32

Renunciation/Full Circle


Dark Chronicle: Full Circle[]

Raziel kills his former human self and as the effects of Moebius's Staff fade the Wraith Blade manifests and the conjoined blades turn on Raziel, prompting the terrible revelation that Raziel is and always had been the soul devouring spirit within the Reaver - and he was destined to be consumed by the blade here. At the last minute, Kain arrives and using some precise timing to ensure there are two Soul Reavers present, he is able to spare Raziel from his fate changing history and ignite a new timeline. But as new memories bloom into Kain's mind, it becomes clear that all is not well and he desperately tries to warn Raziel that the "Hylden" have set a trap for them and Janos Audron must remain dead - but his warning is lost as Raziel slips into the Spectral Realm. There Raziel finds the Wraith blade - proof that he has only been temporarily spared his fate.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2/Epilogue]

File:Soul Reaver 2 Cutscene - History Abhors a Paradox 32

Renunciation/Full Circle


Icon DefianceLegacy of Kain: Defiance[]

Dark Chronicle: Prologue[]

Kain briefly explains his motives and his return to the Sarafan Stronghold in Nosgoth's early history, hoping to confront Moebius and find out Raziel's whereabouts.[Defiance][Defiance/1]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 00 - Prologue
Kain (V. O.): Given the choice – whether to rule a corrupt and failing empire or to challenge the Fates for another throw, a better throw, against one's destiny – what was a king to do?
[A stream of memories leading up to the present flows past:
The vampire, Raziel, Kain's right-hand lieutenant, spreads his newly grown wings... Kain tears the wings from Raziel's back, and orders his other lieutenants to throw him into the Lake of the Dead... Raziel burns until there is nothing left but a husk of tissue and bone, yet is revived... He hunts Kain down, but is unable to complete his revenge before Kain escapes through a portal leading to another time... In the past Raziel learns that things are much more complicated than they seem. The quest for vengeance gives way to a quest for knowledge and freedom – one that he shares with Kain.]
Kain (V. O.): But does one ever truly have a choice? One can only match, move by move, the machinations of Fate, and thus defy the tyrannous stars.
[The camera pans down from the sky, and we see that it is snowing. It is just before dawn – the moon is still visible, hanging low over the horizon. The battlements of the Sarafan fortress are silhouetted in the foreground. A flock of bats swarms in, framed by the full moon. They coalesce to form the dark shape of a heroically-proportioned man – this is KAIN, not yet fully visible as he's backlit by the moon. He drops down from the battlements, moving stealthily through a stone tunnel, still lit from behind.]
Kain (V. O.): And so I returned to the sanctuary of my enemy – the fortress of the Sarafan brotherhood, deemed impossible for any man to penetrate.
[Kain approaches a portcullis and pool of light. A lone Sarafan guard is standing on the other side of the gate. Kain dematerializes into a cloud of mist, phasing smoothly and silently through the gate, just behind the unsuspecting guard. As he emerges into the pool of light, we see his features for the first time. He effortlessly snaps the sentry's neck, and bites into his throat, holding the sagging body.]
Kain (V. O.): ...impossible for any man.
[Kain drains the victim, and lets the body fall to the ground as he wipes his mouth and looks offscreen toward his next goal. He continues to move along a narrow walkway.]
Kain (V. O.): Deep within these walls, my prey awaited: Moebius the Time Streamer, deceiver and eternal gamester, using living beings as his pawns.
[As Kain nears a corner, we hear the voices of Sarafan warriors returning from patrol, approaching along an adjacent bridge. Kain leans into the wall for cover, and turns his head to listen.]
Sarafan Guard 1: In the end, we rooted out an entire nest of the fiends.
Sarafan Guard 2: But we had swept that area already.
Sarafan Guard 1: Not well enough. But no matter – we purged every last one of that brood with fire. May their souls now rest.
[In the foreground, Kain sneers in disgust.]
Sarafan Guard 2: Lord Moebius will be pleased.
[In the distance, a heavy door opens and closes. Kain moves from the shadows.]
Kain (V. O.): It was time for Moebius to answer a few questions. I hoped, for his sake, to find him in a forthcoming mood.

Dark Chronicle: Moebius gains the upper hand[]

Kain finds Moebius in the caverns beneath the Sarafan Stronghold and confronts him about Raziel's whereabouts, but Moebius uses his staff to subdue Kain. Deriding Kain's belief that he was the prophetic figure of the Scion of Balance, Moebius leaves him with the Soul Reaver and warns him about Razeil before retreating.[Defiance][Defiance/1]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 01 - Moebius gains the upper hand
[Kain confronts Moebius in his hidden chamber. As he nears the chamber's entrance, we begin to hear Moebius's voice, indistinctly. Kain silently draws the Reaver, and moves toward the chamber.]
Moebius: Yes... I understand...
[Moebius stands before a shimmering, mysterious pool at the center of the room, holding an arcane staff in one hand.]
Moebius: ...it will be done... the stage is set...
[With a satisfied expression, he cuts his eyes in Kain's direction.]
Moebius: You needn't linger in the shadows, Kain.
(with hostility)
It has been a long time, hasn't it?
Kain: No banter, Moebius. You know why I'm here.
Moebius: Yes... Raziel. You sought to introduce your own pawn into this game, and now he's been swept from the board.
Kain: By your hand, I suspect. Where is he?
Moebius: Perhaps you should ask "when"?
(chuckles darkly)
How humiliating it must be for you to come begging at my doorstep for answers.
[Kain narrows his eyes and advances on Moebius angrily.]
Kain: Enough wordplay –
Moebius: Don't threaten me, Kain –
[Moebius calmly summons his scepter's power, and the globe flares with menacing light. Kain collapses in shock, clutching at his chest, as the Reaver slips from his fingers and he sinks to the floor, incapacitated.]
Kain: (gasping in agony)
Moebius: – you see, I have the upper hand.
[He regards Kain with amusement.]
Moebius: How remarkable that the great Kain should succumb to the scepter's power like any common vampire.
[Moebius crouches next to Kain to address him more directly.]
Moebius: Still so arrogant after all these years – thinking you've devised some brilliant plan. You know nothing. You have read the signs but missed their meaning. You believe you are that myth of Vampire prophecy – the Scion of Balance – and that Raziel holds the key to fulfilling your destiny.
[Kain glares furiously at Moebius, while fighting to overcome this paralysis.]
Moebius: But your messianic delusions have blinded you to Raziel's true nature. You have no idea what you've unleashed.
[Moebius straightens up and looks down at Kain. Kain reaches uselessly for the Reaver.]
Moebius: There was a time when you might have heeded wise counsel when it was offered. Now, your vanity has made you witless. You will have to learn the truth for yourself.
[He shoves the Reaver back toward Kain with his foot.]
Moebius: You'll be needing this.
[Moebius moves unhurriedly toward the exit while he speaks, and opens the door.]
Moebius: Your strength will return after I have departed. But by then, you will have more urgent concerns than pursuing me. Perhaps, when we next meet, you will have learned a little humility.
[Moebius deactivates the scepter and exits, closing the door behind him. Kain grasps the Reaver and rises unsteadily to his feet. As he stands, we see a number of Shades peel out of the shadows of the chamber and surround Kain.]
Kain (V. O.): These strange creatures seemed to manifest from the very shadows...

Dark Chronicle: Raziel in the Underworld[]

Raziel is revealed to be deep in the Underworld before the Elder God in the events of Blood Omen. At first Raziel refuses to do the will of the Elder and the two debate Raziel's defiance and his destiny before Raziel feigns submission to escape into the wider Spectral Realm.[Defiance][Defiance/2]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 02 - Raziel in the underworld
[The camera descends into Moebius's mysterious pool, with a sort of action-wipe to convey the passage of time and distance. As the scene clears, Raziel is revealed in the depths of the Underworld, kneeling before the Elder God in defeat and exhaustion. Raziel is starving, suffering. But he won't submit. The disembodied voice of the Elder God fills the chamber – his tone is paternalistic and patronizing, with an underlying threat. Didactic and patient, but with wrath just beneath the surface.]
Elder God: Surrender, Raziel. Abandon this petty rebellion. It was I who made you. Your life had played out, and in my grace, I spared you. You are my reaper of souls. You have no other purpose, no higher destiny – just this. Accept your calling, Raziel. Let go of these vain hopes. Relinquish your will, and feed.
[From his kneeling position, Raziel glares up at the Elder God, his eyes flashing defiantly. This is our first close shot of Raziel.]
Raziel: No.
Elder God: What do you profit from this defiance?
Raziel: There's some grim satisfaction in infuriating you.
Elder God: My patience is eternal, Raziel. How many eons can you bear to languish here?
[Raziel bows his head, exhausted and weak from hunger.]
Elder God: The Wheel of Fate must turn; all are redeemed in the cleansing agony of birth, death and rebirth. This is the Engine of life – the purifying rhythm of the universe – to which all souls are irresistibly drawn. Yours is a necessary and noble function, Raziel.
Raziel: Enough of your sermonizing – are you trying to bore me into submission? Why must this game go on? We both know what you are. You're no better than the vampires you so despise – a voracious parasite cloaking its appetite in a shroud of righteousness. I refuse to do your will.
Elder God: I can see into your heart, Raziel. It is not your will, but cowardice that keeps you here.
Raziel: (steely, almost a statement)
How so?
Elder God: You know what fate awaits you when you leave the underworld. That phantom weapon you bear is a constant reminder, isn't it? The Sword is waiting for you out there somewhere, and you tarry so as not to meet it.
[The Elder God knows he has struck a nerve.]
Raziel (V. O.): I could not deny it. As long as I lingered here, defying my captor, I was able to postpone what I feared was my inevitable doom: to become the ravenous spirit imprisoned in the Reaver blade. But that sentence was no worse than the stalemate I now endured. Better to face one's destiny than cower from it.
Elder God: Harvester of souls I created you, and to this function, my angel of death, you will return.
[Raziel interrupts, frustrated and disillusioned –]
Raziel: Enough. Yes. I submit.
Elder God: Very good. Indulge your hunger.
[A soul materializes in front of the kneeling Raziel, looking frightened and lost. Weakly, Raziel opens his cowl and draws the soul in. Raziel gasps as the soul is devoured – it has a joltingly powerful effect on him. At the same time, the Elder God too responds with great satisfaction. The souls Raziel devours are siphoned to sustain him.]
Elder God: Yes... embrace your calling, Raziel. You will find that, just as defiance has its price, so obedience has its rewards.
[A patch of the Elder's tentacles uncoil, revealing an exit from the chamber. Raziel stands slowly to his feet, finally regaining his strength after so long. He looks hatefully up at the mass of the Elder God.]
Raziel: And submission is not always what it seems.

Dark Chronicle: Kain settles the score[]

Kain pursues and confronts Moebius once again, catching up with him in the tower of the Sarafan Stronghold. This time Kain uses Telekinesis to strip the staff from Moebius and interrogates him about Raziel. Moebius derides Kain's historical manipulation and claims that by temporarily sparing Raziel he has only ensured that Raziel will kill Kain. Moebius directs Kain to go west of the pillars to find evidence of Raziel's role.[Defiance][Defiance/3]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 03 - Kain settles the score
[Kain pauses at the tower door and leans in to it, as though listening – or sensing – to see if Moebius is inside. Satisfied, he steps back and kicks the door in. He's chosen not to have the Reaver drawn this time.]
Moebius: Here you are at last. I see you found a fragment of the Balance Emblem. This will be of even further use to you – if you can find the other three. Now, shall we – ?
[Kain uses his telekinetic powers to rip the staff from Moebius's hand and send it flying harmlessly into a corner of the room. Moebius doesn't look especially surprised.]
Kain: Yes. Let us continue our conversation –
[With another gesture, he fluidly lifts Moebius telekinetically off his feet, "holding" him by the throat.]
Kain: – but on a somewhat different footing. Now, what do you have to tell me, Moebius?
Moebius: (a little strangled)
You cannot kill me. We both know that this is not how – or when – I die.
Kain: Death is not the only possible outcome.
[Kain flexes his hand slightly, and Moebius's body contorts in pain.]
Moebius: Your delusions of fulfilling the Vampires' foolish prophecies have badly distorted your judgment. And Raziel is not what you think.
Kain: You dare imagine what I think?
[Still using telekinesis, Kain throws Moebius roughly against the wall.]
Moebius: So you prevented Raziel's soul from entering the Reaver. Do you believe for a moment that by this you have averted your fate? Or his? Or that of Nosgoth itself? Your manipulations are pathetic.
Kain: Yet Raziel retains his free will. And that's what frightens you, isn't it, Moebius. You cannot see his path, and so you cannot control it.
Moebius: And neither can you. Yes, Raziel is shrouded from us, but we see the ripples of his potential actions. And every path he might choose leads to the same outcome: he will kill you, Kain. In sparing Raziel, you have written your own death sentence.
[Kain gives Moebius a final shove against the floor for good measure, and releases him.]
Kain: You still have not answered the question I came to ask – where is Raziel?
[Moebius regains his footing, and rubs his throat.]
Moebius: He is not, in a true sense, here. Not now.
Kain: Don't try my patience, Moebius. What have you done with him?
Moebius: He is contained. In time, it may be safe to release him. His destiny must be completed – he will enter the sword. But until that time he is dangerous – far more dangerous than you could understand.
Kain: And your incontrovertible evidence?
Moebius: The answers are plain if you know where to look. Go west of the Pillars – there you will find a testament written in stone.
[Moebius vanishes.]
Kain (V. O.): But stones, too, can lie.

Dark Chronicle: Mural: The raising of the Pillars[]

Raziel finds murals in the Dark forge within the Vampire Citadel illustrating the war between the Ancient vampires and the ancient Hylden, the Genesis of the Pillars and the banishment of the Hylden to the Demon Realm in the time Before Nosgoth's recorded history.[Defiance][Defiance/4]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 04 - Mural - The raising of the Pillars

Dark Chronicle cutscene

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - Murals Cutscenes - Chapter 4 5

in-game cutscene

Raziel (V. O.): Throughout these ruins I found murals depicting the seminal events of Vampire history. These scenes commemorated a great war between the Ancient vampires and their rivals. In triumph, they banished their adversaries from the world, and raised the Pillars as the lock that binds them.

Dark Chronicle: Mural: The Vampires' prophesied hero[]

Raziel finds murals in the Dark forge within the Vampire Citadel illustrating the prophetic role of the Vampire champion, destined to wield the Reaver .[Defiance][Defiance/4]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 05 - Mural - The Vampires' prophesied hero

Dark Chronicle cutscene

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - Murals Cutscenes - Chapter 4 5

in-game cutscene

Raziel (V. O.): The image of the Reaver was inscribed throughout this place, always depicted with reverence. The Vampires' holy weapon was destined to be borne by their prophesied hero, for whom it was forged. But if this was my destiny, why had the Reaver tried to consume me?

Dark Chronicle: Mural: The summoning of the Guardians[]

Raziel finds murals in the Dark forge within the Vampire Citadel illustrating the summoning of the Pillar Guardians in the time Before Nosgoth's recorded history.[Defiance][Defiance/4]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 06 - Mural - The summoning of the Guardians

Dark Chronicle cutscene

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - Murals Cutscenes - Chapter 6

in-game cutscene

Raziel (V. O.): This scene depicted the appointment of the original Vampire guardians. Each summoned to serve when the Pillars were raised. Each Guardian is aligned to the principle of the Pillar he serves, and the Balance Guardian is the axis of them all.

Dark Chronicle: Mural: The blood curse[]

Raziel finds murals in the Light forge within the Vampire Citadel illustrating the infliction of the Blood curse on the Ancient vampires by the Hylden in the time Before Nosgoth's recorded history.[Defiance][Defiance/4]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 07 - Mural - The blood curse

Dark Chronicle cutscene

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - Murals Cutscenes - Chapter 7

in-game cutscene

Raziel (V. O.): In their defeat, the Vampires' enemy retaliated with a terrible curse – afflicting the Vampires with a bloodthirst that turned their once-noble race into ravenous predators. This curse plunged the Vampires into despair, and apparently drove many to madness and self-annihilation. What was it that so devastated them that they were driven to suicide?

Dark Chronicle: Mural: The forging of the Reaver[]

Raziel finds murals in the Fire forge within the Vampire Citadel illustrating the Forging of the Reaver in the time Before Nosgoth's recorded history, discovering the Vorador was the creator of the blade[Defiance][Defiance/6]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 08 - Mural - The forging of the Reaver

Dark Chronicle cutscene

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - Murals Cutscenes - Chapter 8 9

in-game cutscene

Raziel (V. O.): I sought to unravel the mystery of my fate, and in this image lay my first clue. For this scene depicted the forging of the Reaver – the weapon destined to become my prison – and I recognized its maker. The years had changed him, but this was unmistakably the vampire, Vorador – and in this era, he still lived. If I could reach him before Moebius' mob hunted him down, he would provide the answers I sought.

Dark Chronicle: Mural: The dark gift is passed[]

Raziel finds murals in the Fire forge within the Vampire Citadel illustrating how in the time Before Nosgoth's recorded history the Ancient vampires passed on the Blood curse the the humans, turning them into vampires. Raziel discovers here that Vorador was the first to have been turned and is thus the progenitor of the second generation of vampires.[Defiance][Defiance/6]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 09 - Mural - The dark gift is passed

Dark Chronicle cutscene

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - Murals Cutscenes - Chapter 8 9

in-game cutscene

Raziel (V. O.): These images chronicled Vorador's creation. As I already knew, he had not been born a vampire, but had been turned by the infamous Janos Audron. But this mural suggested that Vorador's origins were even more significant – apparently, he was the first human to whom the dark gift had been passed. This was the Vampires' desperate bid to preserve their bloodline... for their enemies had cursed them not only with blood-thirst, but with sterility as well.

Dark Chronicle: Ariel, specter of the Balance Guardian[]

Raziel reaches the Pillars of Nosgoth and encounters the specter of the former Balance Guardian Ariel at this time helping the young Kain in his quest in the events of Blood Omen. Ariel is reluctant to help Raziel and instead seems to believe he is Hylden. Raziel casts doubt on her faith in Kain's sacrifice before she directs him to Vorador's Mansion in the Termogent Forest.[Defiance][Defiance/6]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 10 - Ariel, specter of the Balance Guardian
[Raziel approaches the Pillars for the first time.]
Raziel (V. O.): Once again I beheld the Pillars of Nosgoth – crumbling in decay now, following the corruption of the Circle. Here I would find Ariel, the specter of the murdered Balance Guardian – and the last pure, undefiled member of the Guardian Circle. Bound here upon her death, she was doomed to haunt these Pillars until her successor fulfilled his terrible duty, and Balance was restored.
[The specter of Ariel manifests. In this time, Ariel has a commanding presence, even though she is insubstantial. Her voice has a somewhat ethereal and detached quality. She approaches Raziel with suspicion.]
Ariel: What manner of creature approaches?
Raziel: I know you well, Ariel – though you do not yet know me.
Ariel: I have no time for riddles, strange one.
Raziel: All you have is time. I have come to seek your guidance –
[Ariel interrupts.]
Ariel: I counsel only one man, and you are not he. But you will know him soon. The contagion of your kind is coming to an end.
Raziel: My kind? What exactly do you think I am?
Ariel: Your name shall remain 'Unspoken', as decreed by our ancestors. You serve the one who so brutally took my life and set this tragedy in motion. But even now, hope is at work. Balance will be restored, and your kind will be expelled forever.
Raziel: You have pinned your hopes on Kain. He will disappoint you.
Ariel: What can you know of Kain?
Raziel: More than you could ever fathom.
Ariel: He will do what he must when the time comes.
Raziel: By choosing his own death? A sacrifice for the world? You don't know Kain very well.
Ariel: I know what he is called to do. My faith sustains me.
Raziel: Is it faith, or fear? You know that if Kain refuses the sacrifice, you will never leave here. And you begin to suspect...
[Ariel interrupts and turns away from him.]
Ariel: I will not hear your poison, fiend.
Raziel: Grant me the answers I require, and I will leave you to your pathetic delusions.
[Ariel turns back to Raziel, impatient but willing to listen.]
Ariel: Ask, then.
Raziel: I seek the vampire Vorador.
[Ariel is grimly amused.]
Ariel: To kill him, perhaps? Or to join him in death? But for Kain, he is the last of his kind. Moebius's mob has done its work.
Raziel: My reasons are my own.
[Ariel gestures to the east.]
Ariel: His refuge lies in the heart of the black forest.
[Raziel turns to go, then stops and looks back at Ariel as she speaks again.]
Ariel: And may you molder there together until the end comes.
[Ariel drafts backward into the Pillars as she dissipates. Raziel turns back toward the eastern path, and gameplay resumes.]

Dark Chronicle: Mural: The champion of the adversary race[]

Raziel finds murals in the Air forge within the Vampire Citadel illustrating the prophetic role of the Vampire champion and for the first time depicting a destined adversary and their conflict.[Defiance][Defiance/6]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 11 - Mural - The champion of the adversary race

Dark Chronicle cutscene

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - Murals Cutscenes - Chapter 11

in-game cutscene

Raziel (V. O.): These murals had suffered some damage. Once again I recognized the Vampires' hero, but this scene revealed something new... For here they had also depicted his destined adversary, now partially obscured, who seemed to bear a flaming sword.

Dark Chronicle: Mural: The fall of the Vampire hero[]

Kain finds murals in the the main Vampire Citadel illustrating the prophetic roles of the Vampire champion and Hylden champion and their conflict, and discovering the prophecy that the Vampire champion will fall.[Defiance][Defiance/7]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 12 - Mural - The fall of the Vampire hero

Dark Chronicle cutscene

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - Murals Cutscenes - Chapter 12

in-game cutscene

Kain (V. O.): Here, no doubt, was the evidence Moebius wished me to have... For the Vampires had prophesied not one, but two champions – one destined to be Nosgoth's redeemer, the other, its destroyer. The Vampires' hero wielded the Reaver, forged for this very purpose. His opponent was clearly the hero of their adversaries – the Hylden – and brandished a flaming sword. The foretold outcome was unambiguous: the Vampire hero would fall.

Dark Chronicle: Mural: Raziel recognizes the adversary hero[]

Raziel finds murals in the Water forge within the Vampire Citadel illustrating the prophetic roles of the Vampire champion armed with the Reaver blade and the Hylden champion with glowing eyes and a flaming sword. Raziel began to recognize the resemblance he bore to the Hylden champion[Defiance][Defiance/8]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 13 - Mural - Raziel recognizes the adversary hero

Dark Chronicle cutscene

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - Murals Cutscenes - Chapter 13

in-game cutscene

Raziel (V. O.): Here the images were unadulterated, and their meaning ominously clear... The Vampire hero, the bearer of the Reaver blade, was confronted by an adversary worthy of his powers. The enemy race, long banished, had an adversary of their own – with flaming eyes and a fiery sword.
(Raziel manifests the wraith-blade, and his eyes flame.)
The resemblance I bore to the adversary mocked all my hopes. Had Kain been the Vampire hero of prophecy all along? Did he suspect what I was? For if I was this foretold adversary, then Moebius was right, and had always been right – I was destined to fight Kain and destroy him... or be destroyed. What part did free will play in any of this?...

Dark Chronicle: The vampire Vorador[]

Raziel meets with Vorador in his mansion and Vorador shows considerable suspicion of Raziel due to the prophecies surrounding him, but eventually relents, admitting to crafting the Reaver but claiming that it was Janos and the other Ancient vampires who enchanted the Reaver to imprison him and he knows nothing of the nature of those spells. Instead Vorador takes Raziel to the crypt in the garden of the mansion where it is revealed Vorador had taken and looked after the body of Janos after his murder. Vorador reminds Raziel of the legend of the Heart of Darkness - that it could raise Janos, claiming his body is still preserved because the heart still beats somewhere. Vorador sends Raziel to Avernus Cathedral as the last known location of the heart, but briefly warns him of the dark forces at work there.[Defiance][Defiance/8]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 14 - The vampire Vorador
[Raziel opens the sealed entrance of the crypt and enters cautiously. He finds Vorador waiting for him inside, slouched upon the ruins of some sepulchral throne, and lit only by the dim candlelight of this dark tomb. Vorador regards Raziel without surprise, as though he's been waiting for Raziel here. He has a sword of unique design in his hand – and although his posture is relaxed, he looks as though he could spring into action at any moment.
As Raziel steps forward, Vorador eyes him with steely suspicion.]
Vorador: So... our wretched little savior returns... Come to join the last pathetic battle of the vampire race? But on which side, I wonder...
Raziel: I've not come to fight you, Vorador.
[When Raziel approaches, Vorador – still sitting – brings the point of the sword up to his throat. The move is supernaturally swift, and reveals that Vorador is a master swordsman.]
Vorador: (coldly; correcting him)
You don't know why you're here.
Raziel: I know this much: that you are the author of my fate – and as such, only you can rewrite it.
Vorador: (laughs mirthlessly)
You give me too much credit.
Raziel: You forged the Reaver – I have seen the evidence.
Vorador: (suspiciously)
I was its maker, yes.
Raziel: Then you know its purpose.
Vorador: No – only the scraps of prophecy my master shared with me.
Raziel: And do these scraps explain why you would forge a weapon to imprison your savior?
[Vorador stands now, and brings the sword back up to Raziel's chest.]
Vorador: Ah, well then... it seems we have our answer. You've chosen your path.
Raziel: (angry)
I have chosen nothing. I've been deceived at every turn.
[Vorador looks at him thoughtfully, but says nothing.]
Raziel: You seem to know what I am. Tell me.
Vorador: I thought I did, once. But now all the prophecies have failed. The Pillars are corrupted... I am the last of my kind... and when Moebius's hunters find me, it will have all been for nothing.
Raziel: You've forgotten about Kain.
Vorador: (contemplating)
Ah yes, Kain... I fear he shoulders a greater burden than he realizes.
(then, to Raziel)
I cannot help you – even if I was inclined to. I crafted the Reaver blade, but only at the behest of my sire, Janos Audron. What sorcery he and the others laid upon the sword afterward, I cannot say.
Raziel: Janos tried to give me the Reaver before he died. He said that it was forged for me... but what did he mean? As my weapon, or my prison?
Vorador: Perhaps you should ask him yourself.
Raziel: Janos is here?
Vorador: In a manner of speaking.
[Vorador presses a series of panels, which opens a secret door in the crypt. He ushers Raziel into a small chamber, and steps aside as Raziel realizes what's ensconced here. An elaborate bier stands in the center of the room, surrounded by flickering candles – upon the bier lays the body of Janos Audron.
As Raziel approaches the body, Vorador stands back and speaks.]
Vorador: The greatest of us all – the father of our race. The Sarafan tore the heart from his living body five centuries ago.
[Raziel steps up to the dais to see the body more closely.]
Raziel: But there's no sign of decay – how is this possible after all these years?
Vorador: Somewhere, the Heart still beats. And while it does, the body will remain preserved. If his Heart could be restored, Janos might yet be raised.
Raziel: And you haven't tried to recover it, in all these years?
Vorador: Many times... but our enemies hid the Heart too well. It was taken as a trophy to Avernus Cathedral centuries ago, where they christened it 'the Heart of Darkness.' Believing that it embodies the essence of our dark gift, they hid the Heart away, lest it fall into the wrong hands. Our hands.
[Raziel steps back down from the dais to face Vorador.]
Vorador: Redeem yourself – you may be our last hope. Perhaps you alone can find the Heart, if it is meant to be found. If Janos can be resurrected, he will have all the answers you require.
[Vorador reaches into his robe and withdraws the key to the library exit, offering it to Raziel.]
Vorador: This key will open your way to Avernus. But be advised, there are dark sorceries at work in the cathedral. You must be on your guard.
[Vorador then vanishes in a cloud of mist, leaving Raziel standing alone in the chamber.]

Dark Chronicle: Vorador's last counsel[]

On his way to the Avernus vista in Vorador's Mansion, Raziel is again met by Vorador who informs him that Avernus is aflame and once again warns him of an unspoken evil that dwells there, advising him to resist its influence.[Defiance][Defiance/8]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 15 - Vorador's last counsel
[Raziel enters the library, and finds Vorador at the guard railing, starring down at the room below.]
Vorador: Avernus is in flames... and with it, our hopes may evaporate.
Vorador: How can I find the Heart in the midst of such chaos?
[Vorador turns to Raziel –]
Vorador: You must act quickly. But beware – an ancient evil dwells within, long Unspoken among our kind. Undoubtedly this is the source of the corruption that infects the Circle. If you are to succeed, you must resist its influence.
[Vorador dissipates into mist, once more leaving Raziel alone in the room.]

Dark Chronicle: Mural: The human Guardians revolt[]

Kain finds murals in the Earth forge within the Vampire Citadel illustrating how in the time Before Nosgoth's recorded history,as the Ancient vampires died out, they had passed on the Blood curse the the human Pillar Guardians, turning them into vampires. Kain discovers that the eventual Human revolt was led by the Death Guardian Mortanius and the Time Guardian Moebius, uncovering the motivations of each.[Defiance][Defiance/9]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 16 - Mural - The human Guardians revolt

Dark Chronicle cutscene

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - Murals Cutscenes - Chapter 16

in-game cutscene

Kain (V. O.): This history, in part, I knew already... How, as the Vampires began to die out, the Pillars summoned human Guardians to fulfill their roles. It seemed the ancient vampires had adopted – and, when necessary, abducted – the human Guardians, and made vampires of them when they came of age. Until the humans rebelled against their masters... And here I made a surprising discovery: it was Moebius the Time Streamer, and Mortanius, Guardian of Death, who led the bloody revolt. Now I understood why Moebius hated me so intensely. I was the first vampire Guardian in all these centuries – and he knew what my coming signified... or perhaps I reminded him of all he had forsaken.

Dark Chronicle: Mural: Redeemer and Destroyer[]

Kain finds murals in the Air forge within the Vampire Citadel illustrating the prophecy of the battle between the Vampire champion and the Hylden champion, and for the first time showing that there were two possible outcomes of the contest.[Defiance][Defiance/9]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 17 - Mural - Redeemer and Destroyer

Dark Chronicle cutscene

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - Murals Cutscenes - Chapter 17

in-game cutscene

Kain (V. O.): I was confronted again with depictions of the Vampires' champion, the bearer of the Reaver blade. And here too was his Hylden adversary, with blazing eyes, brandishing a flaming sword. Two heroes locked in combat which only one would survive. But which one? These murals prophesied two possible outcomes. I didn't know what Moebius was trying to concoct, but this all seemed too convenient...

Dark Chronicle: The Oracle of the ancient vampires[]

Kain enters the Spirit forge entrance chambers and finds a mural illustrating the effects of the Blood curse upon the Ancient vampires in the time Before Nosgoth's recorded history and how their newfound immortality and displacement from the Wheel of Fate caused a sense of "spiritual purgatory" which led many to take their own lives. Kain also converses with the Elder God who identifies itself as the "Oracle of [his] ancestors" and greets Kain as the Scion of Balance and savior of Nosgoth. The Elder informs Kain of Raziel's progress and intentions, exactly those which Kain had feared previously and offers him transport to the events of Blood Omen, claiming that as Kain made Raziel what he is, Raziel is his responsibility.[Defiance][Defiance/9]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 18 - The Oracle of the ancient vampires
[Using the Balance Emblem, Kain is finally able to open the mysterious chamber at the heart of the Citadel. A still pool dominates the center of the room – Kain glances into it, as he walks slowly around the room, surveying the architecture. Murals cover the walls, depicting the Vampires' fall from grace.]
Kain (V. O.): For my ancient ancestors, the dark gift was clearly a curse, damning them to a kind of spiritual purgatory. But why were they compelled to seal this chamber so securely? Perhaps the lock was not meant to keep intruders out, but to imprison something within...
[As Kain inspects the chamber, we see the oracular pool slowly coming to life. The surface begins to undulate. Kain notices this as he speaks his final line, and draws the Reaver defensively. A disembodied voice fills the chamber. We recognize this as the Elder God's voice though with a more benevolent tone, but Kain has never heard this voice before.]
Elder God: Kain... Scion of Balance. Savior of Nosgoth.
Kain: (suspiciously)
What is this?
Elder God: Your arrival is foretold... The Fates have willed it.
Kain: (distrustfully)
Is that so.
Elder God: I am the Oracle of your ancestors. I can provide the answers you require...
[Kain doesn't respond. He stares distrustfully at the pool. The oracle continues –]
Elder God: You needn't speak; I know your mind. You seek knowledge of your creature, Raziel... this I can offer, if you will look.
[The surface of the pool ripples and then stills, showing an image of Raziel standing over Janos Audron's body. Kain stops reluctantly, and looks skeptically into the pool.]
Elder God: He has found the body of Janos Audron...
[The surface of the pool ripples and then stills, showing an image of Raziel standing over Janos Audron's body. Kain stops reluctantly, and looks skeptically into the pool.]
Elder God: He has found the body of Janos Audron...
[The pool ripples again to show an image of Avernus Cathedral in flames.]
Elder God: He journeys now to Avernus Cathedral to seek the Heart of Darkness. You know what this means...
[Kain looks concerned. This is exactly what he feared, but he doesn't believe he can trust this entity.]
Kain: And why would I trust your prophecies?
Elder God: These events are already written, just as you feared. But there is still time; he can be stopped.
[Kain shakes his head –]
Kain: If Avernus is in flames, Raziel is five centuries beyond my reach.
Elder God: I may aid you in this regard as well...
[The surface of the pool transforms into a portal.]
Elder God: This portal will transport you in time to the very hour that Raziel arrives in Avernus.
[Kain hesitates.]
Elder God: This task is yours to carry out... since it was you who made him what he is.
When you are ready, you may pass through.
Kain (V. O.): I knew of course that this 'oracle' was not to be trusted. But in the end, what choice did I have?

Dark Chronicle: The final admonition of the Oracle[]

Kain arrives in the events of Blood Omen and 'the Oracle' offers him a final warning of the enmity between them. [Defiance][Defiance/9]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 19 - The final admonition of the Oracle
[Kain steps through the portal, which swallows him up – when he steps back out the other side, it is 500 years in the future.]
Kain (V. O.): This peculiar sensation was familiar to me, and the chamber did indeed appear altered by time... In this regard, at least, the oracle seemed to have been truthful.
Elder God: I have delivered you faithfully to the very hour you desire. You know what must be done, Kain. There is only one way to prevent Raziel from doing great harm.
Kain: He is not my enemy.
Elder God: (ominously)
But you are his...
[The pool goes still and returns to its previous state. The Oracle has left the building.]

Dark Chronicle: Mural: The Wheel of Fate[]

Raziel finds murals in the Earth forge within the Vampire Citadel illustrating the effects of the Blood curse upon the Ancient vampires in the time Before Nosgoth's recorded history and how their newfound immortality and displacement from the Wheel of Fate led many to take their own lives in a bid to return to the wheel. Unlike Kain, Raziel fully recognizes the symbolism of this, realizing that the ancients worshiped the Elder God and his abandonment had driven their extinction.[Defiance][Defiance/10]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 20 - Mural - The Wheel of Fate

Dark Chronicle cutscene

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - Murals Cutscenes - Chapter 20

in-game cutscene

Raziel (V. O.): I had seen this symbol throughout these ruins. I should have realized what it was they worshipped. Now there was no question. For this scene depicted the ancient vampires' torment and despair as their curse cast them from the Wheel of Fate. So this was the god whose abandonment had driven them to madness and suicide. Finally I understood – it was not their blood-thirst, but their immortality that was the true nature of their enemies' curse. The wisest, strongest, most noble race – gulled by the voice of that old parasite. But I had seen him – and whatever he was, he was no god.

Dark Chronicle: Mural: History is written by the victors[]

Raziel finds murals in the Avernus Cathedral catacombs illustrating the Hylden view of the Vampire-Hylden war in the time Before Nosgoth's recorded history. The murals paint the Ancient vampires and their god as the aggressors in the conflict, claiming that the war began over the Hylden refusal to submit to the Wheel of Fate. Raziel recognizes the purpose of the Blood curse.[Defiance][Defiance/10]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 21 - Mural - History is written by the victors

Dark Chronicle cutscene

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - Murals Cutscenes - Chapter 21

in-game cutscene

Raziel (V. O.): History is written by the victors. Beneath the vaults of Avernus I discovered scenes that told a familiar story, but from a very different point of view. This was the work of the enemy race, and revealed what the Vampire histories had conveniently omitted – how the noble Vampires, god-ridden and righteous, had started the wars that would destroy both races – victor and vanquished alike. Their adversaries opposed the Vampires' god, and refused to submit to the Wheel of Fate. For this they were banished. I now understood the poetic irony of their curse. And my resemblance to the Vampires' enemy no longer seemed so accidental.

Dark Chronicle: Mural: The Hylden messiah[]

Raziel finds murals in the Avernus Cathedral catacombs illustrating the Hylden view of the prophetic role of the Hylden champion - a shadowy figure with glowing eyes and a flaming sword, unmistakably in the silhouette of Raziel himself. The Elder God speaks to Raziel to confirm this realization, warning him of Kain's reaction to this identification.[Defiance][Defiance/10]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 22 - Mural - The Hylden messiah

Dark Chronicle cutscene

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - Murals Cutscenes - Chapter 22

in-game cutscene

Raziel (V. O.): The banished race foretold a hero who would deliver them from their oppressors, and destroy the shackles of the Vampires' tyrannous god. The same hero that bore the flaming sword. What game was this, where every player on the board claimed the same pawn?
[The Elder God's voice fills Raziel's head.]
Elder God: So, Raziel... your true nature is finally revealed. You were never the Vampires' savior – it is to the Hylden race you belong. And when Kain realizes this, what do you think he will do?...

Dark Chronicle: Dark rites in the Avernus catacombs[]

Deep in the Avernus Cathedral catacombs, Raziel finds the Death Guardian Mortanius performing a dark ritual before a cult of Cenobites, offering a sacrifice to a mysterious unseen entity"Hash'ak'gik".[Defiance][Defiance/10]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 23 - Dark rites in the Avernus catacombs
[Raziel begins to hear chanting and liturgy – not so far from here, a dark ritual is taking place.]
worshippers: Hash'ak'gik! Hash'ak'gik! Hash'ak'gik!
Mortanius: Great Hash'ak'gik, we hear you.
worshippers: We tremble and we obey.
Mortanius: We offer this sacrifice upon the altar of the world.
worshippers: The blood of our first born do we sacrifice to you.
[There is a pause while the officiant performs the sacrifice off-screen. Raziel moves from the darkness of the passage into the open altar area of the Avernus catacombs.]
Raziel (V. O.): In the depths of Avernus Cathedral I stumbled upon a bloody ritual. Was this the source of the corruption that had overtaken the city?
[He sees Mortanius officiating at the sacrifice. Some worshippers are visible, but most of the crowd is hidden from sight.]
Mortanius: May this blood nourish you for all eternity.
worshippers: Avert your wrath from us, great God.
Mortanius: The wrath of Hash'ak'gik has once more been averted. Depart now, as ever, in his service.
worshippers: We tremble, and we obey. Praise to Hash'ak'gik, and ever praise!
worshippers: Hash'ak'gik! Hash'ak'gik! Hash'ak'gik!

Dark Chronicle: Reunion[]

Raziel draws nearer to the pit to investigate the worship of "Hash'ak'gik" in the Avernus Catacombs and finds himself telekinetically dragged into the pit and comes face to face with a monstrous creature within. The creature appears to recognize Raziel and he soon realizes that this is his last surviving vampire brother Turel, somehow summoned back from the far future to act as unwilling mouthpiece for the cult. Intermittently Possessed by several Hylden from the Demon Realm, Turel believes that Raziel's Blood could strengthen him against them and attacks Raziel.[Defiance][Defiance/10]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 24 - Reunion
[From his position near the edge of the pit, Raziel glances down to see if he can see what's below.]
Raziel (V. O.): What was it that these deluded humans worshipped with such fervor? Was this the dreaded 'Unspoken' that Vorador had warned me about?
[Suddenly, Raziel is seized by some invisible force. Raziel tries to resist, but he is pulled inescapably to the edge, and down into the pit. Raziel lands in nightmarish darkness – even in the gloom he can see that the pit is littered with the bones of hundreds of sacrifices, and encrusted with their blood. As he recovers himself, and his eyes adjust to the darkness, we hear the heavy footsteps of some large beast moving closer.]
Raziel (V. O.): Whatever so-called god inhabited this hideous pit – I was about to meet it.
[A large shape begins to shuffle out of the darkness toward Raziel. As the god of the pit moves into the light, we see its horrible features for the first time. It is massive and monstrous, moving slowly toward Raziel on disturbingly-jointed limbs, and smelling the air with its horrible snout.
At the edge of the pit, Raziel sidesteps stealthily, to move away from the creature's path. Its ears twitch in response, as if he hears even this small sound, and he adjusts to track Raziel. Raziel stops when he realizes the creature can hear him.
Turel continues to approach as he speaks.]
Turel: I smell no blood...
[With every booming step, the floor shakes. He addresses his worshippers in anger, looking up out of the pit toward the altar and walkways above.]
Turel: Throat cut first, blood gouting, then it falls into the pit... The sacrifice is rejected. You will know my wrath –
[It's apparent that the beast is almost completely blind, relying almost solely on its acute hearing and sense of smell. The monster approaches Raziel until they are face to face, Raziel dwarfed by its massive size. The beast sniffs at Raziel curiously –]
Turel: Not possible. No. It could not be –
[Raziel summons the wraith blade.]
Raziel: Stand away, monster.
Turel: No. That voice – not possible. I know that voice... but he fell. The abyss, he ended there.
[Raziel grows increasingly suspicious –]
Raziel: I did not fall into the abyss.
Turel: Oh, it remembers that, does it?
Raziel: I was thrown in, by my own brethren.
Turel: I heard what you did to them... And now you have found me at last.
[Raziel has been surmising throughout the previous exchange that this might be his final brother, inexplicably here, in this pit. Still, he can hardly believe it when Turel reveals himself –]
Raziel: ...Turel.
Turel: (laughs)
Turel. Yes. That was my name then.
Raziel: The others were grotesque, but –
Turel: (proudly)
Yes – I am changed. I have become a god. Greater than you ever were, Raziel. You were never a god. Greater even than Kain!
Raziel: It is to you that these humans offer their blood sacrifices?
Turel: (imitating/mocking the worshippers)
"Hash'ak'gik...Hash'ak'gik..." Yes.
Raziel: But how did this happen?...
Turel: I was summoned. There was darkness, and great hunger. And then I was... found.
Raziel: Why do you stay in this terrible place?
Turel: Why stay? Would I remain if I could get out? While they hound me and tear at me and –
[Turel suddenly convulses, and Raziel recognizes the familiar behavior of a creature possessed by the unseen enemies that have been hounding his every step. Raziel raises the wraith blade as Turel becomes possessed.]
Hylden 1: The hour is at hand.
Hylden 2: As it was foretold.
Raziel: Turel?
Hylden 3: We use his voice to command the disciples above.
Hylden 2: We demand offerings to keep the host alive.
Hylden 1: He has been a durable vessel, but he can take us no further.
[Turel strains to fight possession. The Hylden continue more urgently. They're losing control of Turel –]
Turel: You must prevail. The champion of our enemy draws near.
[Turel fights off his possessors.]
Turel: No! I must have blood –
Bring me blood, or feel the wrath of your god. You – yours – yes – it will strengthen me against them –
Raziel: (steely)
What are you doing?
Turel: No—no more questions. No more worship. Time to run – time to scream – time to die...
[A battle ensues.]

Dark Chronicle: The Death of Turel[]

Defeated by Raziel, Turel welcomes the release of his suffering, but not before several Hylden, possess him to further warn Raziel of the imminent champions battle. As Raziel devours Turel's soul he gains enhanced telekinesis, but also absorbs a small measure of the Hylden sorcery.[Defiance][Defiance/10]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 25 - The Death of Turel
[When Raziel is victorious, Turel flails in agony, and then collapses, dying. Raziel approaches and stands before him. Turel "looks" at Raziel almost with satisfaction, urging him –]
Turel: Yes, now...
Hylden 1: Go - speed your endeavor –
Hylden 2: Face him – and kill him –
Hylden 1: Destroy the Binding at last...
Hylden 3: We shall all be...
[The Hylden appear to lose their grip on Turel as he dies; the green fire fades from his eyes, and he reaches out toward Raziel –]
Turel: Free...
[Turel dies, and his soul energy flies out of him, into Raziel. Raziel is blasted by the energy as it streams into him. Hylden energy flows out of Turel and into Raziel as well. This energy hits Raziel differently, and he reacts as he absorbs it, doubling over. As he straightens up, his eyes briefly burn with green fire, then fade back to normal.]

Dark Chronicle: Mortanius's redemption[]

Raziel confronts Death Guardian Mortanius who recognizes Raziel as the Hylden champion and discovers that Mortanius is also intermittently Possessed by the Hylden, but this time by a single entity - the Hylden Lord - who accepts responsibility for orchestrating the Corruption of the Pillars. Raziel changes the discussion to the Heart of Darkness and Mortanius admits that he has used it to set prophecy in motion and create the Scion of Balance - the heart is hidden inside Kain. The Hylden Lord proclaims that the release of the Hylden is at hand and Mortanius departs to finish his responsibility to the younger Kain.[Defiance][Defiance/10]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 26 - Mortanius' redemption
[Mortanius stands in the center of an arcane magical circle, similar to the one at the Pillars, but darker in intention. His back is to Raziel. He speaks as though addressing someone far away, through telepathic sorcery.]
Mortanius: Come to me, my undead son. Make haste to the Pillars – the stage is set for the grand finale. You will have your vengeance.
[The symbols fade, and Mortanius crumples slightly, as though exhausted.]
Raziel: Mortanius.
[Mortanius turns, removing the deaths-head mask he wears as the Guardian of Death, and confronts Raziel. He looks at Raziel with suspicious interest. Strangely, he has a satisfied smile on his face.]
Mortanius: So you have come out into the open, at last – the Binding must be fragile indeed. But you will find you are too late.
Raziel: (sarcastic)
What am I too late for this time?
[Mortanius convulses as he feels himself becoming possessed. He fights it –]
Mortanius: (as though speaking to the entity)
No. No – not now –
[Mortanius recovers himself. His cynical smile returns.]
Mortanius: You are too late for the victory you sought. I have beaten you after all.
Raziel: You have mistaken my identity.
Mortanius: Have I? You forget who schooled me in the ancient prophecies –
[Mortanius is possessed again suddenly. He fights it, but this time he loses.]
Possessed Mortanius: (convulses, then speaks)
This vessel speaks truly – you are indeed overdue. But it no longer matters in the least. With or without you – we will prevail.
Raziel (V. O.): So I finally meet the 'Unspoken' – and here it is, nestled in the heart of the Circle itself. Ironic.
Possessed Mortanius: (laughs softly)
Poetic justice, to topple the foundations of the Pillars from within. We shall have our revenge, in full measure, and for all time.
[Mortanius fights back, almost dislodging him. The Possessed Mortanius pauses.]
Possessed Mortanius: Ah... this one has little strength left. One must not break him –
[Mortanius returns to himself, and staggers backward onto a seat. Breathing hard, he smiles grimly at Raziel.]
Mortanius: (short, grim laugh)
Your kind does not like to lose.
[Raziel presses on with some urgency given Mortanius's current condition.]
Raziel: I seek the Heart of Darkness.
Mortanius: Ah, now you think of that. But as I told you, you are too late. The Heart has served its function. I have used it to set prophecy in motion. I created the champion foretold by my masters, who is destined to be your destroyer. The Scion of Balance will save Nosgoth – the Pillars will return to vampire guardianship as intended, and your race will be cast down forever.
Raziel: Kain. You used the Heart of Darkness to create Kain.
Mortanius: How else? I refused at first to believe the ancient myths. I thought the vampires were simply a plague upon mankind, a pestilence we had to control. But they were right, and we were wrong to overthrow them – Moebius and I. We didn't understand what it was the Pillars were holding back. I have made my atonement. I will continue to make it to the end, which will be soon, now. But I know – Kain will set it right, he will restore Balance –
[He fights against possession again.]
Mortanius: And none too soon. My enemy is growing stronger.
Raziel: Where is the Heart of Darkness now? Did you destroy it?
Mortanius: (laughs softly)
You still don't understand, do you. You cannot make use of it as long as Kain guards it with his life.
Raziel: (confused)
Kain – has it?
(then, realizing)
It is in Kain!
Mortanius: Check and mate. This deed will redeem first me and then all Nosgoth. It must, it – unh –
[He is possessed again.]
Possessed Mortanius: This one grows weak. But we will soon have a stronger vessel. The long-awaited hour approaches – our release is at hand –
[Mortanius returns with a groan.]
Mortanius: Ah... I must – finish it. Now
[Mortanius resumes his death-mask and employs the magic of the circle to teleport away to the Pillars, where he will meet the young Kain, and die. Raziel is left alone in the chamber, in shock at what he's just discovered.]

Dark Chronicle: Two heroes collide[]

Raziel returns to the main Avernus Cathedral area just as Kain enters and the two enter a heated debate regarding Free will and their destinies, each realizing they hold the only weapons that can kill the other. With each second-guessing their respective prophetic roles and with Raziel's anger mounting, Kain is forced into combat.[Defiance][Defiance/11]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 27 - Two heroes collide
[Kain arrives at the entrance of the Cathedral. He is immediately confronted by Raziel, whose eyes periodically glow green.]
Raziel: Kain. Why is this no surprise?
Kain: Because our destinies run together, Raziel, like two rivers that have met and can never be distinct again. At your every fatal turn, you will find me.
Raziel: And the free will you said was mine, what has become of that?
Kain: You still have it. And that has everything to do with my presence here now.
Raziel: It was your machinations that set my destiny in motion. The coin you tossed has struck the earth. Now you must abide by its outcome.
Kain: The coin is still turning, Raziel. To reach the resolution we both can live with, that will best serve our futures, Janos Audron must not be raised.
Raziel: Because you do not wish it? Is my free will to be exercised only when it accords with your whim?
Kain: There is much more at stake in this than you know.
Raziel: Yes, and it is Janos who has the answers I desire.
Kain: You must trust me, Raziel. Our intentions – for Nosgoth, for our futures – are not so diverse.
Raziel: I must trust you – or?
Kain: I have not come here to threaten you, Raziel.
Raziel: You say that, while you hold in your hand the instrument of my doom?
[Kain 'sheathes' his sword so that his hands are empty.]
Kain: I saved you from the Reaver once. I have no intention of imprisoning you within the blade.
Raziel: At least not until the moment it serves your plans to do so.
Kain: You are not the only one at risk. I may carry the instrument of your destruction, but I, too, have taken a chance in coming here. Or haven't you realized – you bear the only weapon that can kill me.
[Raziel summons the wraith blade.]
Raziel: Then you know what I am – and who you are?
Kain: I believe I do.
Raziel: And still you think you can move me about like your pawn. Think again, Kain.
[Raziel feints at him. Kain dodges.]
Kain: Take heed, Raziel.
Raziel: Why? If we are who we are, then are we not destined to fight to the death, to decide the fate of Nosgoth?
Kain: Don't be a fool. I will not fight you.
Raziel: And that will be the prophesied heroes' battle? I win, because you will not fight me?
[Raziel feints at him again, a little more seriously this time.]
Raziel: The mighty Kain, Scion of Balance, would-be savior of Nosgoth, surrenders before the final battle even begins –
[He goes to strike again, but Kain pushes him off.]
Kain: Very well, if this will make you see reason –

Dark Chronicle: A deadly confrontation[]

After a short battle, Kain manages to subdue Raziel and warns him of the "great harm" that will come from the use of Heart of Darkness. The revelation that Kain doesn't know where the heart is and hasn't even looked for it angers Raziel. Kain appeals to Raziel, confirming that his remaking means that he uniquely has true Free will, but Raziel ignores Kain and attacks again.[Defiance][Defiance/11]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 28 - A deadly confrontation
[They fight. Kain beats Raziel to a point where he is at a momentary disadvantage, and Kain has a chance to reason with him. Kain holds the Reaver on him, to keep him still.]
Kain: (angrily)
Now – you will listen to me. The Heart of Darkness must remain undiscovered. Great harm will come of its use.
Raziel: (realizing)
You don't know where it is, do you?
Kain: No –
Raziel: – you never looked for it.
Kain: (growing impatient)
It doesn't matter, Raziel. Listen to me – you must understand that every creature is bound to one predestined path. We are all shackled –
Raziel: – to the Wheel of Fate. Believe me, I know that even better than you do.
[Kain ignores Raziel's interruption and continues his thought –]
Kain: All but one. Because of your re-making, you are the one unbound creature, the one among us all that truly has free will. You have a choice, Raziel –
Raziel: Which I'm sure I must make at your direction. Your pawn has reached the end of the board, Kain. And now my powers may even surpass yours. How ironic if the creature that you made should prove your own undoing. Now – we finish this. Once and for all.

Dark Chronicle: The Heart of Darkness[]

Raziel and Kain battle to a stalemate with each preventing the other from striking the definitive blow. As they struggle, Raziel begins to be absorbed into the Reaver using Kain as a conduit. Enraged and desperate, Raziel lunges at Kain and rips the Heart of Darkness from his chest using his bare claws, and blasts him through a portal to his apparent demise. With the madness of Avernus fading, Raziel acknowledges that he may have made a huge mistake.[Defiance][Defiance/12]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 29 - The Heart of Darkness
[Raziel attacks Kain. Eventually he is able to get in a slash at Kain's chest with the wraith blade. Unable to push Raziel back any longer, Kain reaches up to grasp Raziel's arm to prevent the blow of his sword. Holding on to Raziel's arm, Raziel's soul begins to drain out of him and through Kain, to reach the material Reaver. They are both astonished. Raziel gasps in pain.]
Raziel: You...
Kain: No – Raziel –
Raziel: (in horror and rage)
Vae victis –
Kain: I didn't –
[His words are cut off, as Raziel plunges his left hand into Kain's chest – breaking Kain's grasp, and aborting his soul's absorption into the Reaver – and pulls out Kain's heart: the Heart of Darkness. He holds it up to Kain. Kain emits a hollow wheeze.]
Raziel: 'Woe to the conquered' – I have found the Heart of Darkness. And you – go to oblivion.
[With his new telekinetic powers, Raziel blasts Kain backward – he is swallowed up into a dimensional rift, and disappears. Raziel staggers backward, the Heart in one hand, the wraith-blade in the other. This was a reflexive act – even he can't quite believe what he's just done. He breathes heavily as the rush of adrenaline fades.]
Raziel (V. O.): Kain was gone. The madness of this place had somehow fueled my rage, and as it subsided I felt no elation, no sense of victory. Only a calm certainty that we had once again walked blindly into our enemies' trap. I couldn't be sure whether Kain had truly intended to destroy me – and now it appeared I would never know.

Dark Chronicle: Moebius gloats over his triumph[]

Raziel returns to Vorador's Mansion to find the estate over run with the troops of Vampire hunters and Moebius personally awaiting him. Moebius gloats over their triumph and confirms that they have captured Vorador ready for his execution. Insultingly, Moebius reveals that he and the Elder God used the champions prophecies to manipulate Raziel and Kain into conflict, with the ultimate goal of Kain's death. After confirming Raziel's Free will, Moebius teleports away to overseer the execution.[Defiance][Defiance/12]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 30 - Moebius gloats over his triumph
[Raziel enters the library from the eastern door. Moebius stands at the balcony, surrounded by his mercenaries.]
Raziel (V. O.): In my absence, the estate had been overrun by Moebius's soldiers. I hoped that they had not yet found the entrance to the crypt, or discovered the body of Janos. Of Vorador, there was no sign.
Moebius: Raziel – the conquering hero. I understand we are to offer congratulations. Kain, at last, is dead.
Raziel: I suppose you expect similar congratulations on the death of Vorador? Or has he eluded you?
[Moebius throws Vorador's sword at Raziel's feet.]
Moebius: We have him. But not without a considerable price in blood.
Raziel: That will have pleased him.
Moebius: Let it sustain him until his head is off, and every vampire in Nosgoth at last is dead.
Raziel: And will that knowledge sustain you? You too are going to your death.
Moebius: For a true servant of the one God, death is never bitter. I will go – again at peace with the knowledge that I have played my small part in our master's plans. Kain is at last destroyed, and you have carried out the deed. Which hero do you think you are now? The vampire savior? Or the other one? Have you realized yet that it didn't matter to us which one either of you thought you were, so long as the result was the same in the end? And now, Kain is dead. Really, I cannot thank you enough.
Raziel: So this has all been arranged, every step of the way. And Kain thought I truly had free will.
Moebius: Oh, but you do. And there's the greatest triumph of all, to have compelled the one player who could choose into doing exactly what we required. Well done, faithful servant. And now – I have an execution to see to.
[With a gesture, Moebius unleashes his vampire hunters upon Raziel, and exits.]

Dark Chronicle: The resurrection of Janos Audron[]

Raziel returns to the crypt of Janos Audron within Vorador's Mansion and finds it has not been disturbed by Moebius's hunters. Replacing the Heart of Darkness, Raziel manages to revive Janos - who greets him as the Vampire champion - and Raziel explains how history has changed in the centuries since Janos's death at the hands of the Sarafan. Ignoring Janos attempts to move him quickly, Raziel demands answers about his destiny and visibly shocks Janos by manifesting the Wraith Blade, causing the older vampire to realise his incorrect interpretations of the prophecies. Reassuring Raziel, Janos teleports them both to the Vampire Citadel.[Defiance][Defiance/12]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 31 - The resurrection of Janos Audron
[Standing once again before Janos's lifeless body, Raziel produces the Heart of Darkness and contemplates for a moment –]
Raziel (V. O.): This relic had come at so high a cost – my blood offering for the answers I sought from this enigmatic corpse. It was the price of my freedom, for which Kain had paid with his life.
[Raziel places the Heart of Darkness into Janos's chest cavity. Nothing happens.]
Raziel (V. O.): Had I journeyed so far, and forsaken so much, only to have it end like this?
[Raziel angrily raises his fist and begins to bring it down hard on Janos's corpse, but stops himself, and instead merely places his hand over the wound in Janos's chest. A jolt of energy passes through Raziel into the body. The Reaver's power flows down Raziel's arm into Janos's chest. Janos's eyes fly open. His body buckles and comes to life. He reaches out and clutches Raziel's arm with his nearest hand. Raziel's energy is leeched into Janos, and the wound in Janos's chest begins to heal. Janos gasps as though surfacing from a very deep and terrifying place. Raziel breaks away from Janos, and backs up apprehensively. Janos rises suddenly, looking down at his chest and clasping his heart.]
Janos Audron: (hoarsely)
I remember –
[Janos looks intensely at Raziel as he slides off of the burial slab and stands unsteadily.]
Janos Audron: – Raziel, the heir of prophecy... You came for the Reaver – just before the Sarafan found me...
[Janos touches his chest at the memory of his murder. Raziel regards him with suspicion. His tone here is flat, deadened – after killing Kain, and realizing the Hylden prophecy, Raziel is empty and disillusioned.]
Raziel: You've been entombed here for five centuries. Your murderers are long dead.
Janos Audron: (in disbelief)
Five hundred years? And Vorador –
Raziel: (interrupting)
– also dead.
[Janos looks stricken.]
Raziel: Your bloodline is erased. The age of the vampires is coming to an end.
[Janos is alarmed, trying to take all this in.]
Janos Audron: Then we must waste no time –
[Janos begins to step forward. Raziel interrupts again –]
Raziel: I'm not who you think I am. Nor is this a benevolent act. I have questions that apparently you alone can answer.
Janos Audron: (growing concerned)
Raziel, there are forces in this world that will strive to deceive you and pervert your destiny. But you must believe – your arrival foretells the salvation of the Vampire race.
[Impatiently, Raziel cuts right to the heart of the question –]
Raziel: Why then would the Vampires devise a weapon to consume and imprison their savior?
[Janos is taken aback, confused by this revelation –]
Janos Audron: No – that cannot be...
[Raziel continues, with controlled hostility –]
Raziel: While the blade yet exists, I am drawn inexorably toward my doom. It was you who bound me to this fate. Only you can release me.
Janos Audron: Raziel, you have been misled – you are ordained by prophecy to wield the Reaver.
[Janos adopts a romantically far-off expression.]
Raziel: And so I do – though not quite as you'd envisioned.
[Raziel summons the wraith-blade and brandishes it before Janos, who regards this new revelation with astonishment. Janos gasps softly and studies Raziel intently, as if seeing him for the first time. Standing there, he does appear to be the Hylden hero, with his blazing eyes and fiery sword. Janos appears to be approaching a kind of epiphany. He thinks aloud, as though repeating an ominous scrap of prophecy –]
Janos Audron: Redeemer and destroyer...
[This is not the first time Raziel has heard these words – his eyes flare with distrust. Janos continues, thinking aloud –]
Janos Audron: ...is it possible? Did I misread all the signs?
[Janos addresses him with a new urgency –]
Janos Audron: It seems your destiny is more labyrinthian than I had imagined. You must trust me, Raziel – we may have very little time. I will convey you to the place where your answers lie.

Dark Chronicle: Return to the Vampire Citadel[]

Raziel and Janos arrive at the Vampire Citadel and Janos explains its history and the background of the Vampire-Hylden war in the time Before Nosgoth's recorded history, while also noting the current Corruption of the Pillars. Janos notes that humans are not compotent to serve the Pillars and so it was necessary to pass the Blood curse on to the human successors and make them vampires, but now this is no longer possible and thus the Binding decays and the Hylden are able to struggle against their banishment. Prominsing Raziel further answers, Janos gives Raziel a mysterious key to the innermost sanctum of the Citadel and vanishes.[Defiance][Defiance/12]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 32 - Return to the Vampire Citadel
[Janos reaches out and grasps Raziel's shoulders with both hands. They are transported into the ruins of the ancient Vampire Guardians' council chamber – the remains of its windows look out onto the Nosgoth landscape, and the Pillars beyond. Raziel breaks from Janos's grip and takes a distrustful step backward, looking around the room. He hasn't been here before, but he recognizes this as ancient Vampire architecture.]
Raziel: Where have you brought me?
Janos Audron: We are within the ancient citadel of the Vampire race, long ago defiled and abandoned. This fortress endured through centuries of war against our great enemy –
Raziel: – the Hylden.
[Janos is a little surprised to hear Raziel speak the forbidden name, but he continues.]
Janos Audron: Yes. From this chamber we witnessed the summoning of the Pillars, and the banishment of our adversaries from the land.
[Janos turns toward the ruined windows, and sees the corrupted Pillars for the first time.]
Janos Audron: This is a dire omen...
The Binding is in peril – the hour of prophecy is at hand.
Raziel: It's too late. The Pillars are already damned.
Janos Audron: As long as a single one of us stands, there is still hope. The Pillars must not remain under human guardianship. They are not competent to serve.
Raziel: Why then did you allow the Pillars to fall into human hands?
Janos Audron: Raziel, there is no time –
Raziel: – I want answers. The world can end this instant, for all I care.
[Janos acquiesces.]
Janos Audron: Very well. The Hylden cursed us as they fell, afflicting our race with a predatory blood-thirst. But with this transformation came our enemies' true revenge: immortality.
Raziel: They liberated you from the Wheel of Fate.
[Janos corrects him –]
Janos Audron: They imprisoned our souls in this flesh, expelling us from the purifying cycle of death and rebirth.
[Raziel reacts in disgust – this sounds a bit too familiar.]
Raziel: And yet you passed the curse on.
Janos Audron: It was a necessary evil. Our immortality banished us from God's grace – He turned His sight from us, and fell silent. Many took their own lives, unable to bear the separation from our God.
Raziel: (distrustfully)
Not you, though.
Janos Audron: Curse or blessing, it is the price we pay to keep the Hylden banished from the land. To sustain the Binding, we had to preserve our bloodline. And so we passed the dark gift to the human successors of our fallen Guardians. They rebelled, inevitably, refusing the curse and seizing the Pillars as their own.
And so we come to our present dilemma. While mankind governs the Pillars, the Binding decays. The Hylden strain against the barriers of their prison, scratching to gain a foothold back into this world.
Raziel: And what does all this mean to me?
Janos Audron: We stand at the threshold of a new aeon, Raziel, and you are the fulcrum upon which our destiny turns. Beneath this room lies our innermost sanctum –
[Janos gazes blankly for a moment, as if sensing something.]
Janos Audron: (concerned)
– the outer chamber has been opened. It appears events are already in motion.
[Janos removes a golden torque from around his neck, and gives it to Raziel. We see that the ring forms the symbol of the ouroboros – the head of the golden snake devouring its own tail.]
Janos Audron: This token is the key to the mysteries you seek. I cannot accompany you; you must face this trial alone. If you prevail, you will have your answers.
Raziel: And if I fail the test?
Janos Audron: (forebodingly)
Then you will not return.
[Janos takes a step backward and dematerializes, teleporting himself out of the room.]

Dark Chronicle: The transformation of the Reaver[]

Raziel completes the puzzle of the Spirit forge and activates the forge, summoning the souls of all Balance Guardians - represented by the specter of Ariel, now fully healed - to the forge for "the final batism of the blade". Ariel claims that her sight has been purified and she now understands without prejudice. She offers he hand to Raziel who accepts, imbuing the Wraith Blade with the purifying power of Spirit and creating the Spirit Reaver. Ariel offers Raziel a final piece of cryptic advice: to "unite what has been set asunder" to properly arm the Scion of Balance. Pondering on the seemingly impossible task, Raziel returns to Janos.[Defiance][Defiance/12]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 33 - The transformation of the Reaver
[Raziel solves the Spirit Forge. Ariel manifests before him, her disfigurement undone.]
Ariel: It is accomplished. The Forge summons the spirit of every Balance Guardian to itself, for this final purpose.
Raziel: Ariel? You?
Ariel: Yes, Raziel – yet I am much more than I was. The veil is lifted from my sight. My spirit, united with the souls of my predecessors, is drawn here now for the final baptism of the blade. To restore Balance, the sword must be rendered pure by Spirit. Release me, Raziel – the Soul Reaver has the power. Release us all. For this we were called.
[With his left hand, Raziel reaches out toward the pure white fire that surrounds Ariel's spirit. The energy flows to him and through his body, into the wraith blade in his right hand. The Soul Reaver is imbued with splendid, transfiguring flames, as Ariel's spirit is consumed.]
Ariel: You have done well, Raziel. But there is one more trial for you to bear. You must unite that which has been set asunder... only then will the Scion of Balance be armed for his true endeavor. Only then...
[Ariel's voice fades, and the Citadel trembles loudly.]
Raziel (V. O.): The Reaver now blazed with purifying flame. But far from being enlightened, I found myself entangled in an even greater web of mysteries. What had Janos expected me to learn? And what of Ariel's cryptic message? If the sword was endowed for the Scion of Balance – for Kain – and he was now dead, what hope remained? I needed to find Janos, and soon. I dreaded to think what these ominous rumblings might portend.

Dark Chronicle: The Pillars topple[]

Raziel returns to Janos in the main chamber of the Vampire Citadel just in time to witness the final collapse of the Pillars of Nosgoth as the young Kain chose to preserve is own life rather than Sacrifice himself. When the dust settles, the Hylden Lord is in control of Janos and gloats at his victory, listig how he has manipulated Raziel and others to bring down the pillars and his opposition to prepare for Hylden reoccupation of the Material Realm. Janos regains control and begs Raziel to kill him to prevent the Hylden Lord's plans and Raziel faces the possessed Janos in battle.[Defiance][Defiance/12]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 34 - The Pillars topple
[Raziel returns to Janos in the Council Chamber. Janos stands by the ruined windows, looking anxiously out at the vista of the Pillars.]
Raziel: Janos! What is this?!
Janos Audron: (alarmed)
The Binding is failing – all is lost.
[The Citadel trembles again as the catastrophe approaches. Raziel looks out upon this portentous scene.]
Raziel (V. O.): We had arrived at that cataclysmic moment, when a younger Kain faced his fateful dilemma as Balance Guardian. Choosing self-preservation over sacrifice, he doomed the Pillars to eternal ruin.
[Hurriedly, Janos turns to Raziel –]
Janos Audron: Raziel, there may yet be hope. There is One who will be called; you must seek the Scion of Balance –
[Janos's words are cut off as a huge tremor blasts the Citadel. Janos turns back to the Pillars, and we see them begin to shatter and fall –]
Janos Audron: Dear god...
[– followed by another, massive blast. The scene is apocalyptic. The collapse of the Pillars creates a dimensional rift that spreads across the land. A blast wave radiates out from the falling Pillars, tearing across the landscape. Raziel recoils, and Janos stiffens as the blast strikes the Citadel. As Janos recovers, he is changed. His body is now inhabited by a different entity – the same being Raziel encountered before, when Mortanius was possessed. The Hylden Lord turns to Raziel, grinning.]
Hylden Lord: Ah, Raziel, we meet again. You have played your part flawlessly. It is gratifying to attain both freedom and vengeance in a single stroke.
[The Hylden Lord convulses slightly, and Janos struggles to break through –]
Janos Audron: (with an effort)
No – you can not...
[His head jerks, and the Hylden Lord is back in control.]
Hylden Lord: This one is strong... good. My next move requires a more durable host. Mortals are such fragile vessels. Willing or not, you have provided the instrument of our victory.
[Raziel summons the wraith blade, now blazing with power after its baptism in the Spirit Forge.]
Raziel: (threatening)
I wouldn't celebrate just yet.
Hylden Lord: You pathetic creature – you haven't got a clue. The seduction of the Circle and possession of Mortanius; Ariel's murder; the corruption and collapse of the Pillars: all orchestrated as a prelude to this moment. We sought an incorruptible vessel, and you provided one. We required the blood of our ancient enemy, and you delivered Janos Audron – having first been lured to the Heart of Darkness. Best of all, you murdered the Scion of Balance to get it. We've already won.
[The Hylden Lord convulses again, and Janos breaks through, fighting for control –]
Janos Audron: (urgently)
Raziel, you must not allow them to carry out their plan. Kill me, and you end it now.
[Another spasm –]
Hylden Lord: (disgusted)
Suicidal, like the rest of them. Know your place, Raziel. The true hero plays his role, and then steps aside.
[The Hylden Lord makes to leave the chamber, but Raziel blocks him, flourishing the wraith blade.]
Hylden Lord: (laughter)
You deluded ghoul. Do you so wish to die a martyr for the Vampires' lost cause?
Raziel: You're not leaving this chamber. I will destroy Janos if I have to.
Hylden Lord: Very well then, I'll indulge you...

Dark Chronicle: The triumph of the Hylden Lord[]

After battling the Possessed Janos Audron, Raziel appears to be victorious over the Hylden Lord and Janos once again begs for his death, but Razel hesitates, unable to destroy his best chance of the answers he seeks. Taking advantage of the break, the Hylden Lord seizes control again and launches a devastating attack on Raziel which dissolves his material manifestation. Unopposed, the Hylden Lord flies away in Janos's body to begin his plans to conquer Nosgoth, as Raziel slips into the Spectral Realm.[Defiance][Defiance/12]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 35 - The triumph of the Hylden Lord
[They battle. Raziel delivers what appears to be a killing blow, sending the Hylden Lord in Janos's body to the ground. Raziel stands over the broken body, and for a moment, Janos's eyes clear –]
Janos Audron: Raziel... Finish it – before he returns...
[Raziel hesitates, unwilling to destroy Janos. The Hylden Lord, not fully dispelled, seizes the moment to regain possession of Janos. He rapidly gets to Janos's feet, blazing with fury over his near-defeat.]
Hylden Lord: You should have listened to him.
[The Hylden Lord unleashes a barrage of electrifying energy from his fingertips, blasting Raziel helplessly backward. Raziel crumples, and the Hylden Lord advances, redoubling his attack. Raziel screams in agony. When the Hylden Lord finally relents, Raziel lies helpless, nearly destroyed. The Hylden Lord steps back, recovering his breath as he regains his composure.]
Hylden Lord: Now it is finished. And thus a new epoch has its beginning.
[The Hylden Lord flies away in Janos's body, and Raziel sinks into the spectral realm.]

Dark Chronicle: No escape[]

Raziel is returned to the Elder God in the Spectral Realm of the Spirit forge. Despite Raziel's defiance, the Elder tells him that his efforts to fight back are wasted and invites him to surrender, shrugging of his attacks with the the immaterial Wraith Blade and denouncing his Free will. With Raziel apparently defeated, the Elder calls the deceased Moebius to them. [Defiance][Defiance/12]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 36 - No escape
[Raziel finds himself back in the Spirit Forge, once more at the foot of the Elder God.]
Elder God: Do you see? However far you stray, you will always return to me. Surrender, Raziel.
Raziel: (furious, defiant)
[Raziel strikes out at the Elder God with the wraith blade, again and again.]
Elder God: (laughing with satisfaction)
Your efforts are wasted, Raziel. That weapon you bear, however endowed, remains only a wraith blade. It cannot touch me.
[Raziel relents, exhausted. He scans the chamber, looking for a way out, but finding none.]
Raziel: I will not be your prisoner –
Elder God: You have no choice. Your task is fulfilled. Kain has been cleared from the board, and this chamber made ready for my more malleable servants. There is nothing more for you to do.
Raziel: I refuse to bend my will –
Elder God: – it has always been my will you satisfy, never your own.
Raziel: (with controlled rage)
You parasitic fraud – you're forced to imprison me because I possess free will –
Elder God: – you possess nothing.
[The Elder God dismisses Raziel's tirade, and continues with his pronouncement.]
Elder God: As you are undying, your soul cannot be returned to the Wheel – but it may console you to abide here in eternity with me.
[The Elder God's tone then changes –]
Elder God: Moebius, my good servant, I call you to the place of our first meeting. Return to me here...
[The scene fades with Raziel still trapped in the bowels of the Spirit Forge, at the mercy of the Elder God.]

Dark Chronicle: Kain awakes in the demon realm[]

Kain unexpectedly awakens, finding himself in the Demon Realm and misssing a heart. As he ponders his survival Hylden voices speak to him taunting him of his fate in this realm and promising their freedom. Kain is suddenly attacked by several Demons and he defeats them to escape back through the portal to Avernus.[Defiance][Defiance/13]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 37 - Kain awakes in the demon realm
[Kain lies sprawled on his back in an unfamiliar chamber, his chest bloodied, the Reaver fallen at his side. He appears to be dead. Suddenly his eyes fly open and he gasps once more into life, reflexively clutching at his heart. He sits up, holding his hand over the place where his heart used to be, feeling nothing. He brings his bloodied hand away, looks at it, and looks down at his chest.]
Kain (V. O.): I awoke to find myself in a shadowy realm. A disquieting stillness lay where my heart had been – the heart that had belonged to Janos Audron all along. How was it possible that I still lived?
[Tentatively, he begins to rise, and then hears disembodied voices in the ether of the demon realm. Suspicious, he retrieves the Reaver from the ground and looks around his surroundings.]
Hylden 1: You are still fair of form, vampire...
Hylden 2: That will go first...
Hylden 3: This realm will render you hideous...
Hylden 2: You will go mad, and will not know it...
Kain: What is this place?
Hylden 1: Do you not think of this place every day, vampire?
Hylden 3: Or are we truly forgotten.
Hylden 2: We were forgotten...
Hylden 1: This is the exile into which we were driven –
Hylden 3: But soon now, soon we will be free...
Hylden 2: We will be free.
[Suddenly, a number of demons rip into the scene, and attack Kain.]

Dark Chronicle: Vengeance and sacrifice[]

returning to the Spirit forge, Kain finds a resurrected Moebius conversing with the unseen Elder God, discussing the fate of the Hylden and Kain'd death when Kain reveals his presence. A shocked Moebius attempts to use his staff against Kain but finds that without the Heart of Darkness it has no effect. Kain runs Moebius through wth the Reaver and as he dies he reveals he reveals himself as a servent of "one who has power over life and death" and claims he will return. As he arrives in the Spectral Realm, Moebius continues his conversation with the Elder and begs to be returned to life, but he is quickly run through by the awaiting Raziel. As he gasps in pain, the Spirit Reaver purifies his sight, allowing him to see his master for the first time and Moebus is appropriately horrified. Raziel taunts Moebius briefly before devouring his soul and sending him to feed it. The Elder denounces his actions as irrelevant but Raziel begins to recall all that he has been told and - settling on mural of Kain as the Scion of Balance, with the figure shown distinctly differenly than the other champions - Raziel finally understands what he must do.

In the Material Realm, Moebius leaps to life once more and Kain once again impales him with the Reaver, before the figure is revealed as Raziel possessing Moebius's corpse. Kain tries to resist but Raziel holds him fast, explaining that this is a necessity. Fulfilling the prophecies of both champions, Raziel sacrifices himself to create the Soul Reaver, but simultaneously disperses the Spirit Reaver Wraith Blade into Kain healing him of all injuries and curing the corrpution that has plagued him since birth, with the blade also purifying Kain's sight, allowing him to see the Elder God. Finally revealed to Kain, the Elder threatens him, but Kain realises that the Soul Reaver is able to damage it and denounces the Elder as a false god and the two battle.[Defiance][Defiance/13]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 38 - Vengeance and sacrifice
[Kain enters the Spirit Forge silently and finds Moebius there, his back to Kain, communing with the Elder God. He appears to be talking to himself, as the Elder God is not visible to Kain. Kain smiles and advances, drawing the Reaver from his back.]
Moebius: ... the Hylden are merely an inconvenient consequence. They will be dealt with in time. It's a small price to pay for Kain's death.
Kain: You're a bit premature.
[At the sound of Kain's voice, Moebius whirls around, genuinely frightened and surprised. He turns to see Kain standing before him, the wound in his chest still visible, and the Reaver in his hand.]
Moebius: Kain!?
Kain: Is there a crack in your omniscience after all, Moebius?
[Moebius flourishes his scepter at Kain, and the orb flashes as before. Kain hesitates, not sure himself what might happen next. The scepter has no effect on Kain this time. Moebius flourishes it again – again with no effect. Kain glances down at the wound in his chest, where the heart used to be – Moebius's eyes also go to Kain's chest, realizing now. Kain looks back up at Moebius with a grim smile.]
Kain: First your omniscience, and now your powers. You are slipping badly.
[Moebius takes a step back.]
Moebius: This is not possible...
[Kain steps forward and knocks the staff from Moebius's hand, which he then pulls into his bloodied chest.]
Kain: The part of me that staff affected is no longer in its place.
[The staff falls from Moebius's other hand.]
Kain: But you already knew that, didn't you.
[Moebius yanks his arm away, and takes a step back.]
Kain: I always was considered heartless. And now, Moebius, it is time.
[Moebius backs up, but he has nowhere to go.]
Moebius: To kill me? Again? Your only solution, for every problem: kill –
Kain: This is not a debate. You see, this time, you have nothing that I want.
[He impales Moebius with the Reaver.]
Moebius: (laughing, though clearly in pain)
You think this will matter?...
[Moebius grasps Kain's arm and draws himself up the blade until they are face to face. Moebius spits his words hatefully at Kain, triumphant and grinning despite his obvious agony.]
Moebius: ...I serve One who has power over life and death.
Kain: Then go to him.
[Kain withdraws the Reaver sharply.
Moebius gasps in pain, drops to his knees, and sinks to the floor, dying.]
Moebius: I am His obedient... His devoted servant... Soon, all pain will fade, and my master will bring me life once more.
[Moebius dies.
Moebius arrives in the spectral realm. The terrain shifts slightly around him as he rises, a spirit now – and we realize once again that this is not the chamber Raziel sees. There is no evidence of the infesting mass of the Elder God that only Raziel can see. The spirit of Moebius stands and addresses the chamber –]
Moebius: Master, my apologies, a momentary oversight. Somehow Kain still lives, and has unexpectedly dispatched me. Make use of your good servant, and –
[As Moebius speaks, we can see Raziel – also in the spectral realm – approaching from behind, armed with the newly-transformed wraith-blade. Moebius doesn't know he's there. Raziel impales him with the wraith-blade, cutting him off mid-sentence, and holds the blade there as he speaks in an intimate snarl over Moebius's shoulder.]
Raziel: Go to your master, then. I release you to the Wheel.
[When the purified wraith-blade enters Moebius, it transforms him. We see the room change around them, as the veil is lifted from Moebius's sight. Moebius – with the wraith-blade still in him – sees the horror of the Elder God at last. Moebius's expression changes from confidence to horror – Raziel sees this transformation, and understands.]
Moebius: (horrified)
Ohh... god – no ...
Raziel: (intimate menace)
Do you see it now? The monster that you served? Is this what you imagined when you worshipped it?
Moebius: (in horror)
Raziel: And in that knowledge, go – and feed it. I release you.
[Mirroring Kain's recent act, Raziel pulls the wraith-blade from Moebius – then, opening his cowl, he devours Moebius's soul, thus delivering him to the Elder God.
Raziel looks defiantly up at the Elder God, having destroyed his long-lived and loyal servant.]
Elder God: (laughs menacingly)
Your petty actions are irrelevant, Raziel. Moebius was a good servant, but he was of no further use. His long life had run its course. You see? – even when you rebel, you are doing my will.
Raziel: Perhaps, but something has changed, hasn't it? You didn't foresee Kain's return.
[The Elder God dismisses Raziel's statement –]
Elder God: You have both traced your paths along the Wheel – this is where the journey ends.
Raziel: You haven't the means to kill either one of us.
Elder God: Ah, but you can be stopped. And you will come to understand how oblivion can be a mercy.
[The citadel trembles as the Elder God pulls at its very foundations.]
Elder God: You and Kain will spend eternity buried here together, praying for the merciful release of a death that will never come.
[The citadel trembles again, more violently this time, and even in the spectral realm, bits of rock and masonry begin to fall.]
Raziel (V. O.): But I was armed with newfound knowledge, and it burned within me...
Janos Audron (V. O.): ....redeemer and destroyer...
Raziel (V. O.): Moebius had never seen his master until the Soul Reaver purified his sight. Even the ancient vampires had no idea what it was they so righteously worshipped.
Ariel (V. O.): ....you must unite what has been set asunder...
Raziel (V. O.): All the conflict and strife throughout history, all the fear and hatred, served but one purpose – to keep my master's Wheel turning. All souls were prisoners, trapped in the pointless round of existence, leading distracted, blunted lives until death returned them – always in ignorance – to the Wheel.
Kain (V. O.): ...the coin is still turning...
Raziel (V. O.): But what hope had there been? One cannot fight the unseen.
Ariel (V. O.): ...only then will the Scion of Balance be armed for his true endeavor...
[With ominous finality, the Elder God speaks to Raziel for the last time –]
Elder God: Despair, Raziel. There is no escape.
Raziel (V. O.): It was then I knew what I had to do. I alone could end this.
[In the material realm, Moebius's corpse suddenly comes alive again. Kain turns as he sees Moebius rising behind him.]
Moebius (actually Raziel): Kain...
[Kain reflexively brings up the Reaver and impales Moebius through the chest once again.]
Kain: Do you so enjoy death –
[Moebius responds strangely, with satisfaction –]
Moebius (actually Raziel): Yes...
[Then Moebius transforms, and Kain sees that it's Raziel impaled on the blade – just as Raziel's soul begins to leech into the Reaver.]
Kain: Raziel? – No –
[Kain tries to pull away, but Raziel takes hold of Kain's arm so that he can't.]
Raziel: Yes – this is how...
Kain: –No, Raziel!
[Kain resists, but Raziel pulls himself farther onto the blade –]
Raziel: The Soul Reaver – pure of all corruption – this is what it is for. This is what I am for –
[– and puts his right hand over Kain's wounded chest. We see the purifying energy of the Spirit Reaver pass through Raziel and into Kain at this point, and we see the wound heal.]
Raziel: The two become one – both Soul Reavers – together – and the Scion of Balance is healed. And I – am not your enemy – not your destroyer – I am, as before, your right hand. Your sword.
[Kain resists, but more weakly –]
Kain: No, Raziel – this can't be the way...
Raziel: And now you will see – the true enemy –
[Raziel fades as his soul is consumed completely, passing into what is now, finally, the Soul Reaver.]
Kain: Raziel –
Kain (V. O.): And it was then – I saw.
[Kain staggers backward, still shocked at Raziel's sacrifice, and trying to comprehend the monstrosity that has just been revealed to him. The citadel trembles, and the Elder God's voice booms within the chamber –]
Elder God: So... I am revealed to you at last.
Kain: What in the hell...
Elder God: (a little stridently)
I am the origin of Life... the devourer of Death. I am the hub of the Wheel, the purifying cycle to which all souls must be drawn.
Kain (V. O.): Had I condemned Raziel to this nightmare when I cast him into the abyss?
[The Citadel quakes, causing architecture to topple, and rubble to fall into the pit.]
Elder God: You may ponder the futility of your ambitions as you spend a deathless eternity beneath a mountain of rubble.
[The Citadel rocks again, causing more debris to fall.]
Elder God: You and your Soul Reaver will go equally mad as the eons pass. The Citadel of the apostates will become your living tomb.
[The Elder God moves, and the Citadel trembles again. Stone and masonry begin to tumble down. Kain looks around the room, realizing what's going on, but stands his ground, flourishing the now-transformed Soul Reaver.]
Kain: Your words are heartening –
[He slashes at the Elder God with the Soul Reaver, causing spectacular damage. The Elder God shrieks as the spirit energy that is his lifeblood flows out. He has never been injured like this before.]
Kain: – for you would not fear us unless we could truly do you harm.
[Kain slashes again, severing the Elder God's nearest tentacle and causing him to recoil again in terror and pain.]
Elder God: No! You are nothing!
Kain: False god –
[Kain strikes out again, once more causing the Elder God tremendous damage.]
Kain: – this is the end – the final turn of your Wheel.

Dark Chronicle: The fall of the ancient god[]

Having defeated the Elder God, Kain strolls away from the Spirit Forge as the Elder remarks that Kain cannot kill it and makes a series of grandiose threats that one day he will have vengeance. Kain merely shrugs off the verbal assault and advises it to "burrow deep" until then.[Defiance][Defiance/13]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 39 - The fall of the ancient god
[Kain defeats the Elder God, causing it to flail in fury and agony. Kain teleports himself out of the pit.]
Elder God: You cannot destroy me, Kain – I am the Engine of Life itself. The Wheel will turn... The plague of your kind will be purged from this world... And on that inevitable day, your wretched, stagnant soul will finally be mine.
Kain: In the meantime, you'd best burrow deep.
[Kain steps free from the chamber just as the walls around him begin to collapse.]

Dark Chronicle: Epilogue[]

Kain reflects upon Raziel's sacrifice: how it enabled him to expose the "true enemy" and how through Raziel's altruism Kain had gained the weapon to fight it and restore Nosgoth. Most importantly, Kain considered his newfound hope for the future.[Defiance][Defiance/13]

File:Legacy of Kain Defiance - 40 - Epilogue
[Kain enters the Citadel Council Chamber, overlooking the Nosgoth landscape and the smoldering wreck of the Pillars in the distance.]
Kain (V. O.): Now, at last, the masks had fallen away. The strings of the puppets had become visible, and the hands of the prime mover exposed. Most ironic of all was the last gift that Raziel had given me, more powerful than the sword that now held his soul, more acute even than the vision his sacrifice had accorded me – the first bitter taste of that terrible illusion: Hope.


  • The Dark Diary chapters in Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain are given no formal titles in game and are only represented by still images in the menu. The chapter titles used here originate in the Blood Omen scripts, where each chapter is named and titled.[Blood Omen/Cut content]
  • The Dark Chronicle shares its name with prestigious Legacy of Kain website Dark Chronicle which was named from the Soul Reaver 2 bonus transcripts and was the first major Legacy of Kain encyclopedia.[3]


  1. Icon The Lost Worlds Murdering Kain FMV at The Lost Worlds (by Ben Lincoln)
  2. Icon The Lost Worlds The Chess Match at The Lost Worlds (by Ben Lincoln)
  3. Icon Dark Chronicle The Chess Match at Dark Chronicle (by Ardeth Silvereni)