Legacy of Kain Wiki

Malek's Sword in the inventory

"Malek’s sword belonged in his right hand. However distasteful this errand was, I would return it to its proper place."

Malek's Sword was an artifact used by Kain in Defiance. It could be found in Chapter 3: Pursue Moebius.

When Kain returned to the Sarafan Stronghold in Chapter 3 of Defiance, he noticed a new statue of Malek in the 'cloister' courtyard and noted that the statue was missing a sword and a shield (further evidenced by a nearby mural depicting Malek with both, and two Sealed Doors depicting bearing images of a sword and a shield respectively).

After collecting Malek's Shield from the relic room, Kain was able to return the shield to Malek's statue and dispel the barriers protecting the 'Shield Mural' door. The new passageway led to the upper levels of the 'cloister' courtyard and the main battlements areas. Above the main battlements, Kain found another statue of Malek, holding Malek's sword. Returning the sword to Malek's statue in the lower level of the 'cloister' courtyard, Kain was able to dispel the barriers protecting the 'Sword Mural' door and ascend once again, this time to the 'Gatehouses' and 'Tower' areas.


  • Like the Falcon Insignia and Malek's Shield, the appearance of Malek's Sword is foreshadowed in Chapter 1 of Defiance, when Kain passes Malek's Statue (and it's accompanying murals) in the 'cloister' courtyard. Unlike the Falcon Insignia, Kain does not comment on the statue or the related quest items until Chapter 3.
  • The Sealed Doors that open when Kain places Malek's sword and shield at his statue initially appear to be protected by a yellow variant of the earlier Blessed Barriers (these cannot be dispelled by the Balance Reaver enhancement), only when Kain returns Malek's sword and shield to his statue are the barriers dispelled.
  • Several fans have noted that the appearance of Malek's statue is slightly inconsistent with other depictions of him in the series; as to date, Malek has only been depicted using a pike as a weapon - Although it is likely that Malek's role as Conflict Guardian may have provided him with a certain level of weapon expertise.
  • Malek's Sword appears to be of the same design as Soul Reaver 2's Long Sword; previously used by the Sarafan Warrior Swordsmen as well as some of the Sarafan Warrior Inquisitors. The sword has a prominent Sarafan symbol at the hilt of the blade.



